

03月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你]1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...+阅读


I am a 27 year old trying to go back to college after a long break from any formal schooling.


I am taking a college algebra class and struggling to keep up.


I sit behind a young man who upon first glance looks like a thug or overall someone I would never think would be able to help me learn algebra . I was dead wrong.


Today in class we were learning linear regression which requires a lot of specific inputs on a graphing calculator.


I kept getting a number that was thousands off of the correct answer.


The thug that sits in front of me turns around and says I got you bro. Let me see what you got.


After about 5 minutes I was crushing these regression formulas .


Now I know to never make a judgement on someone because of how they look/dress.


I dismissed a classmate in my college algebra class because of their appearance and was very wrong about my initial judgement.



After a failed marriage, the loss of all of my friends, depression, sleeping pill, and alcohol addiction, not working for four years, and sending out over 200 resumes in the last five months


- - today I got a  60,000/year job in my field of a study.


Today is a good day.


I always make a wish when the clock strikes 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, or 11:11.

每当时钟走到一个非常特殊的时刻,比如1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 或者11:11,我都会许一个愿。

I alternate between two wishes and two wishes only: 1) Please let me be happy, and, 2) Please let me get a job I love.


Id been in the running for this job for one and a half months, they received 140 applications, interviewed 20, and it was down to me and one other person.


But I got a call from them three days ago, saying they had decided to move forward with the other candidate.


I thanked them for the opportunity, they wished me luck in my future, and I spent the entire day crying.


Then yesteday the woman who would he been my boss added me to her social webside ID, which I found odd.


Rub the salt in a little deeper, I told my dad.


Well, one hour ago my would-be boss called, and said she and the HR manager who initially interviewed me couldnt get me off of their mind because of my enthusiasm , attitude, and the excitement I couldnt contain.


She told me the president of the pany initially hired the other candidate because he was fluent in a particular software program, one of which I am only slightly familiar with.


The president is old school and isnt one for risk taking, so he went with the safe bet.


The woman told me she went to bat for me with the president these last couple of days because she believed I was the one the pany needed.


She said she will take the extra time to train me, and she believes Im resourceful enough to learn it on my own if shes unable to help me some days due to her being busy, sick, or treling for work.


I almost cried, I told her how much this means to me, and that even though I was missing a few of the skills required, skills can be taught but attitude and enthusiasm cannot.


They also told me that I was the only person out of 20 interviews who emailed them afterward and said thank you for the opportunity of meeting with me. The ONLY person.


I changed my entire life when I left my marriage.


It got worse before it got better.


Ive had some very hard truths to face, Ive had to reevaluate who I am, what I want my life to look like, and reprioritize the things that matter to me.


Its been a rocky few years, but those little sunshine rays are finally touching me.



From January to May, I led an extremely inactive lifestyle, binging on video games and basically ignoring all aspects of my well being.


I was for all intensive purposes addicted to the game I was playing. This addiction nearly ruined me mood wise, I was miserable to be around when I was even able to force myself to go to class or go out and socialize.


I wanted to stop, and one day I did, just like that. Told myself I would focus on building and improving myself. I began to take pride in hygiene, exercising, and building hobbies (mainly playing the piano) Its been almost exactly a month since that day and Id just like to share where Ive gotten since then.


Ive been as active as I can, landing a job that promotes activity, hiking whenever possible, and going on runs around parks. I can honestly say its the happiest Ive been in a while, if not ever, and to think that its only been a month makes me even happier. Who knows what the next few years will bring.


My confidence has skyrocketed from almost nothing to the most confident Ive ever been as well.


Im hoping that this post will convince someone who is in the same boat that I was in that moving out of unhealthy habits is easier than you think. The body and mind is extremely resilient and wants to be active, so get out there and live life!



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