

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2009年考研英语写作经典五十五]Directions: A. Study the following carton carefully and write and essay in about 200 words. B. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II. C. Your es...+阅读

The secret of success

One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence.Once you have determined exactly what you want to accomplish, you must take massive action on a consistent ,and persistent basis in order to succeed.

If you take the time to study any successful person ,you will learn that the vast majority of them have had more "failure"than they have had "successes".This because successful people are persistent; the more they stumble and fall, the more they get right back up and get going again.On the other hand, people that don't get back up and try again,never reach success.

Absolutely,definitely,without any doubt,I have every confidence in myself.I will succeed. I can make it !






2009年考研英语写作经典五十study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures--National and International”. In the essay you should 1) describe the picture and...

2009年考研英语写作经典五十四1. Describe the picture 2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture 3. Suggest your counter – measures Basically, what we see in this picture is a bird...

咱班的趣事作文三百五十个字我们班里的趣事 “哈哈哈……”一阵响亮的笑声又在我们班教室里响起了。不用说肯定又是他引起的,最近因为有他,我们班里的趣事就不知不觉得多了起来。 不知道今年是怎么了,每次...

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英语励志小故事45个词左右Hanging the hair from the beam and pricking the thighs with an awl During the WarringStateperiod, there was a man named Su Qin. At a young age, he went to many...

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马云英语考五十九分的故事1982年,陕西作家路遥的小说《人生》在《收获》上发表。 有个瘦小的年轻人在杭州火车站的一个角落,一口气把这篇小说读完。 18岁的马云,那时刚刚从蹬三轮车的临时工升格为收发信...
