

02月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急需一篇优美的英文短篇诗歌最好能用英文鉴赏一下明天口语课]By no means neverAt a a every time, onceBe bound to will certainlyCommit to with rememberWatch out for close attentionWorks of that heardOn a regular/daily/week...+阅读

An Explorer's Story

Explorer Ben Saunders chills the PopTech audience with photos of his 1,240 journey from Siberia to Canada earlier this year.We're into the afternoon's sessions on Day Two.

Ben's presentation is an excellent example of just how diverse the speaker selection is this year.

He was the first person in the world to make a complete crossing of the frozen Arctic Ocean,solo and unsupported.The expedition was a traumatic one:out of the four solo attempts,Ben was the only one to reach the North Pole.After experiencing first hand conditions described by NASA and Environment Canada as 'the worst on record',Ben has raised international awareness regarding the extent to which climate change is affecting the Arctic.He noticed conditions that were up to 15 degrees warmer than in 2000,and had to negotiate vast,unprecedented areas of thinning ice and open water.

In discussions in the coffee room after his talk,no one I talked to can imagine doing this or ever wanting to do this.Someone from the audience asks the panel about religion.Ben fumbles for an answer - can you imagine not having a number of reflective spiritual moments during that lonely,harsh and bitterly cold 72 day journey,'religious label' or not?His leave behind:"don't underestimate what 'man' is capable of when we have a strong belief system about our goals and destiny."


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