

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[最好的英语搞笑剧本有那些]三只小猪英语剧本2006/12/07 07:16 P.M.The Story of the Three Little Pigs 旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep th...+阅读

Cat and kitten together in the river fishing. A dragonfly flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan on Quzhuo dragonflies. Dragonflies flying away, kitten not Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat catching a big fish. A moth flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan and Quzhuo Butterfly. Butterfly flying away, kitten entered Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat and a big fish catch. Kitty said : "ones, I can also catch a fish longer? "Cat was looking at the kitten, said :" Fishing on fishing, not so hearted. On catching dragonflies, while catching butterflies, how to catch a fish? "Kitty heard repeated, it wholeheartedly angling. Also flying dragonflies, butterflies and flying, kitten as not to see. Little one, the kitten also catch a big fish. 《小猫钓鱼》的故事内容介绍 一个晴朗的早晨,小猫妙妙和咪咪姐弟俩跟着妈妈去河边钓鱼。





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英语故事小猫钓鱼Cat and kitten together in the river fishing. A dragonfly flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan on Quzhuo dragonflies. Dragonflies flying away, kitten not Zhuozhao...
