

12月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[二级C语言:数组中比较经典的11个真题]1.一下程序main(){ char s[]="abcde";s+=2;printf("%dn",s[0]);}答案:程序出错2.一下程序fun(int x,int y){ static int m=0,i=2;i+=m+1; m=i+x+y;return m;}ma...+阅读


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Products. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




Useful words and expressions:

盗版:piracy (n.)

盗版产品:pirated products

知识产权:intellectual property rights

侵犯版权:infringe sb’s copyright; copyright infringement

Say No to Pirated Products

Piracy is a serious problem with which this country is confronted. In many places we see people peddling pirated books or disks. Actually, piracy has bee so widespread that it has severely hindered the development of the nation’s economy.examda.

A number of factors account for the problem, but the following are the most critical ones. First, pirated products are much cheaper than copyrighted ones, so they are very attractive to people, especially youngsters, who are not financially well-off. Secondly, with highly developed technology, it is not difficult to manufacture pirated products. With one authorized copy, the illegal producers can make thousands of fake ones at a very low cost, thus making huge profits.

As a result, intellectual property rights are severely infringed upon. Honest producers will lose the motivation to develop new products. Meanwhile, pirated products are often of low quality, thus damaging the interest of buyers.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, it is essential that laws and regulations be formulated and enforced to ban the manufacture and circulation of pirated products. Meanwhile, people should be educated to say no to these products. With these measures taken, we he reasons to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future.


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