

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[家长应当怎样引导孩子阅读故事书]引导孩子阅读故事书,家长需要做到: 1.让孩子把握故事书的一些基本情况 第一次拿到一本故事书时,家长可以快速地通读一遍,大致了解书的内容,这样才能更好地引导孩子去进行有目的的...+阅读

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should We Worship Celebrities? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1、 我们是否应当崇拜名人?明确阐述你的观点;

2、 从正反两方面具体论述你的观点。

Should We Worship Celebrities?

Celebrities he excelled in their respective fields and made a place for themselves in the society. Actors, athletes, rock stars and even politicians whom we look up to are all celebrities. However, achievement in careers does not necessarily make celebrities idols to be worshipped blindly, as they think and make mistakes too as we mon people do.

Hing a role model is of no harm, but we should not imitate everything we hear about the celebrities without any judgment. Learn from the celebrities with our minds open; do not let their persona overshadow our judgment. We should remember that however extraordinary these people are, they are also ordinary huamn beings and liable to make mistakes or even very bad decisions at some point of their life. For example, a number of athletes and rock stars he been associated with drugs. It is for us to decide what we should imbibe from them and what not.

Meanwhile, though the celebrities are at the zenith of their professions, it is not always necessary that they are as good in their personal life. We should let their actions speak for them. What they do in real life is more important than what they preach. An ordinary man on the street, though unknown to the public, may be a better person than they are.

In conclusion, we should keep ourselves open to others’ opinions, but at the same time decide by ourselves what is right.


徐特立经典名言战胜困难也应当人人尽力· 卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。 · 任何人都应该有自尊心、自信心、独立性,不然就是奴才。但自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是弧立。 ·...
