

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

1.What will your sister do tonight?2.Where does she live in?3.What aor you?4.What does his brother?5.What does he do? What's his job?6.How many daughters does your father and your mother have?7.Whose family is this?636f707962616964757a686964616f313332363965338.不会9.Does Bob love his family?10.I want to have four more.11.How many people in your family?12.My family mumbers is five.13.What does she like?14.What does her teacher would like?15.Who will talk with you?16.How much does the ice pencil case?17.What does the grandpa would like to buy?18.What do you do ? I'm a teacher. What do you do ? I'm a student. What do you do ? I'm an actor. What do you do ? I'm a waiter. What do you do ? I'm a cleaner.19.What is you job? Teacher. What is you job? Student. What is you job? Actor. What is you job? Waiter. What is you job? Cleaner.20.What are you? I'm a teacher. What are you? I'm a student. What are you? I'm an actor. What are you? I'm a waiter. What are you? I'm a cleaner....
