

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寓言故事200字]河边的苹果 一位老和尚,他身边聚拢着一帮虔诚的弟子。这一天,他嘱咐弟子每人去南山打一担柴回来。弟子们匆匆行至离山不远的河边,人人目瞪口呆。只见洪水从山上奔泻而下,无论如...+阅读

(1) Every day I sat on the landing and watched the river rise. Mother cooked simple meals in a spare bedroom she had turned into a makeshift kitchen. She was worried, I could tell, about what would happen to us. Father came and went in a small fishing boat. He was concerned about his patients and possible outbreaks of dysentery, pneumonia or typhoid.

(2) Before long, the Red Cross began to pitch tents on high ground north of town. "We are staying right here," my father said.

(3) As the water continued to rise, I kept busy rowing through the house and looking at the furniture that had been too big to move upstairs. I liked to row around the great cozy couch, now almost submerged, and pretend it was an island in a lake.

(4) One night very late I was awakened by a tearing noise, like timbers creaking. Then there was the rumbling sound of heavy things falling. I jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway. My parents were standing in the doorway to the den, where we had stored the books and my mother's beloved chi


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