

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com



one day, a crow was very thirsty after flying in the desert. he was looking for water and he finally found it. but there is a problem, the waters are in a bottle and the crows beak cannot reach the base of the bottle. after some thinking, he saw some pebbles all over the place, he had a great idea. he started to get the pebbles and puts them into the bottle one by one.slowly, the water level in the bottle starts to rise. in the end, the crow was able to drink the water and then fly home.the crow was very clever. he uses his wisdom wisely. we must all learn from the crow. to be smart and clever. 这就是关于乌鸦在找水源,找到的是在瓶子里的水,他的嘴巴无法深入到底下,喝不到水。他看了一看,注意到旁边有很多小石头,他就一块块的把石头放进瓶子里,水位涨了,他就喝到了。乌鸦善用他的聪明机智,最后喝到水后飞回家。我们要学习乌鸦的聪明机智


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