

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


When we were small,my parents took a lot of photographs of us.Whenever i open my album,those black and white photographs often remind me of my happy childhood.You know,photographs are that sort of thing that can bring people good memories.But,unfortunately,i photograph badly,that is to say,i appear unattractive in photographs.I'm not a beautiful girl,you know.But that doesn't matter.Anyway,I like my phptographs.Whenever i want to look back into my childhood,i will turn to my album. "我"小的时候,"我"的父母为"我"照了许多相片.每当"我"打开影集,那些黑白照片经常能使"我"回忆起"我"的快乐童年,要知道照片就是能给人带来美好回忆的东西,但是不幸的是"我"照相很差,也就是说,"我"不上相.要知道"我"不是漂亮姑娘,但那没关系,反正"我"喜欢照片.每当"我"想回忆童年的时候,"我"就翻开影集.



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