
跪求英文演讲稿 1分半的

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁知道一些英文的名人名言]A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。—— R. W. Emerson 爱默生 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy...+阅读

my favorite movie

May i have your attention,ladies and gentlemen,my topic is my favorite movie,the persuit of happiness is my favorite,it is about how a middle-aged man who had just lost his jod and could not make a living by selling his inventions succeed by insisting prusuit,i was deeply touched by the story,when the leading actor with tears in his eyes held his son tightly in the washingroom and closed the door to prevent the others to come in,i cried too,it needs so much courage to put up with a succession of failures and still stayed positve towards life,I think life with insisting struggle will be more vigor and worth its weight in gold.Thank you.


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以我的青春我的梦为题的演讲稿快点给我发过来 500字我急用截至踏在海大这片净土上,我品尝到了许多以前未曾所及的滋味。.如今站在这里猛然间,停住飞奔的脚步,在一片宁静中回首,我带着青春的热情而来,犹如浩荡的春风;我带着青春的叛逆而来,冲破...

以我的故事或者我的梦想为题写一篇演讲稿不少于600你的童年回忆,当然,我也不例外! 故事发生在我5岁多的童年时代。当时出于喜欢和好奇,我便买了两只小鸡放在家里养。 妈妈花了两元钱给我买了两只小鸡。那两只小鸡很可爱,小小的脑...

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