

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语诗歌短点的]Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare 宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。-莎士比亚 A light heart lives long . 豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Do n...+阅读

风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself. “I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak. (有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.) (“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.) (因此风尝试让那个人把披风脱下来.他用力地吹,可是那个人把披风拉得更紧.) (“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)


比较简短的英语Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come t...

有没有英语短诗简单一点的微笑-Smile :When you smile, I smile, that's the deal. I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you. Instead we will pass each o...

简短的英语诗歌When You Are Old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read,and dream of the soft look, Your eye...

保护环境的经典语句要英语展开全部 1、大手小手齐动手 共创环保模范城 2、争做环保小卫士 共建环保模范城 3、用我们的小手放飞绿色的希望 4、青草绿树你我他 咱们同住一家 5、创建绿色学校 美化学习...

有哪些简单的英语小故事4年级的A fox and a goat An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself. A goat came. He asked the fox:”what are you doing? The...

四年级英语小故事带翻译第一篇:A little girl and her father went to the beach. They saw a dead fish on the sand. The girl asked her father, "Dad, what happened to the fish " Her father to...

四年级英语小故事简短The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a m...

英语小故事适用于4年级带翻译能听One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy. "I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought. So...

四年级的英语小故事急!I. The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs. But one day it found...
