[学而不厌出处|释义|押韵词|近义词|成语故事]【注音】xué ér b&ugre; y&agre;n 【出处】默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉? 《论语·述而》 【释义】厌:满足。学习总感到不满足。形容好学。 【用...+阅读
成语寓言故事:The Confucian Moralist Bearing道学风度
During the Song and Ming Dynasties, Confucian morality became fashionable. Many people vied with one another to imitate the poise of a moralist.
There was one Confucian moralist who went to the city. On the street, he walked respectfully with measured strides, his back arched and his hands behind his back. He took every step according to the accepted angle and length.
As he walked and walked, he felt his back aching, and was entirely exhausted. He looked around, then turned to his servant and whispered:
Take a look. Is there anyone behind?
The servant replied:
At this moment, the Confucian moralist at once straightened up, heed a sigh of relief and began to walk unbridledly with long strides.
Another Confucian moralist was walking slowly on the road with measured strides, when black clouds suddenly rolled in the sky and hey rain began to pour. He dashed hurriedly for over one li. All of a sudden, he exclaimed with regret:
Too bad! I he erred! But a gentleman corrects his error as soon as he is aware of it, and it is not too late yet.
Consequently, bring the rain, he returned to the place where he started running and began to walk slowly again, step by step with measured strides.
成语寓言故事:Ji Zi Acknowledges a Master季子拜师
Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism. He carried a lot of money with him and trelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism. Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap, he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions.
One day, a sly swindler tried to get Ji Zis bag of money. He said deceitfully:
I am a Taoist priest with the true doctrine of Taoism. If youll follow me, Ill certainly teach Taoism to you.
Ji Zi believed this to be true, and followed this man wholeheartedly. The swindler wanted all along to take action, but had no chance, while Ji Zi time and again urged him to teach the Taoist doctrine.
One day the two of them came to a river bank. At the sight of a moored boat, the swindler got an idea and planned to take action. He said to Ji Zi:
Taoism is right here!
Ji Zi asked anxiously:
The swindler said:
It is at the top of the boats mast. You will learn Taoism if you climb up to the top.
Ji Zi put his bag of money under the mast, hurriedly grasped the mast and began to climb. The swindler clapped his hands and shouted below:
Up! Go further up!
When Ji Zi climbed up to the top and could go no further, he suddenly saw the light. Hugging the mast, he shouted happily:
Ive learned Taoism! Ive learned Taoism!
The swindler took this opportunity to pick up the bag of money and run away.
When Ji Zi came down, he kept shouting happily. The by- standers said:
Hey, you fool, he is a swindler and has made off with your money.
Ji Zi replied:
He is my master! He is my master! This is also what he is teaching me!
成语寓言故事:Looking for a Steed with the Aid of Drawings按图索骥
Bo Le was a famous expert in the physiognomy of horses in ancient China. His book On the Physiognomy of Horses was a classic piece of work on that subject.
Bo Le had a son who wanted to learn his fathers special skill and knowledge. He read the book On the Physiognomy of Horses over and over again. Whenever he went out, he would carry the book with him, and as soon as he saw a horse, he would take out the book, and pare the horse with the drawings of various horses in the book one by one.
One day, he finally found a horse which looked similar to the drawing in the book. He led it home to his father, but it turned out to be an inferior horse of fiery temperament, and not a good steed which could gallop 1, 000 li a day. Bo Le said to his son:
If you look for a steed with the aid of drawings, how can you find a really fine one?
叶公好龙典故|释义|押韵词|相近词|成语故事【注音】y&egre; gōng h&agre;o lóng 【典故】汉·刘向《新序·杂事》记载:叶公子高非常喜欢龙,器物上刻着龙,房屋上也画着龙。真龙知道了,来到叶公家里,把...
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