

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[留学英国学习语言一年左右]如果你申请英国语言学校签证最长只能11个月,而通常只是给你6个月签证。 以形式而论,英国的语言学校分为两种,一种是单纯的语言学校,一种是大学或有资格开设大学预科等课程的学院...+阅读

The life at England

I am an university student,When I graduated from my high school,I had the opportunity to come to England for my university life.

Now I already come here fou theree months,the friend here told me that The South Lake Park in England was very beautiful and famous."you can boating on the clearly lake ,enjoying che sun shine all around you,and you can relax between the quiet mountain valley."Tom told me ."And the most important thing was that ,you can call your friends go with you,the South Lake Park has many stone table and chair,you can have a outdoor lunch here,it will be very happy .Tina told with a smile in her face.It sounds very good ,I can not wait anymore,I decide that I will call my friends go there on this weekend,and have a big delicious lunch there.

I am very haapy,because that I am not only get the knowledge here,but also a wonderful journey.



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