[学而不厌出处|释义|押韵词|近义词|成语故事]【注音】xué ér b&ugre; y&agre;n 【出处】默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉? 《论语·述而》 【释义】厌:满足。学习总感到不满足。形容好学。 【用...+阅读
1.flying colors--success, victory
2.little by little--gradually
3.call off--cancel
4.e into--receive, especially after another's death
5.put off--postpone
6.stop by--make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere
7.tie up--hinder
8.be out for--trying to get
9.fill in for--take another's place
10.turn down-- (1) refuse or reject
(2) reduce the loudness of
11.go off--begin to ring
12.cut down--lessen; reduce; limit
13.e up with--produce; supply
14.make it-- (1) achieve a specific goal
(2) succeed in general
15.catch one's eye--attract one's attention
16.care for-- (1) like; value
(2) look after; take care of
17.head and shoulders above--much better
18.catch on--bee popular
19.on the whole--in general
20.fill sb in--tell what sb should know
21.in a nutshell--in a few words
22.from top to bottom--pletely; entirely
23.take the plunge--enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course
of action
24.on the tip of one's tongue--unable to be recalled
25.cheer up--feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; bee hopeful
26.hold off--postpone; delay
27.on cloud nine--a state of perfect happiness
28.back out--withdraw from an undertaking
29.grin and bear it--be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do s
omething without plaining
30.turn out to be--e to be; prove
31.bite off more than one can chew--attempt something that exceeds one's ab
32.in the air--uncertain
33.get hold off--find a person so you can speak with him
34.learn the ropes--acquire thorough or special knowledge of a job
35.tear oneself away from--depart with great reluctance; force oneself to le
36.tie up--engage or occupy pletely
37.touch on--mention a subject briefly or casually
39.see to it--take care;take the responsibility;make sure
40.get along with--live or work in harmony with
41.give away--give as present
42.account for--explain
43.out of print--no longer ailable for purchase from the publisher
44.send out--distribute
45.in no time--in a very brief time;almost at once
46.before long--soon;without much delay
47.play by ear--(1)play an instrument without using written music (2
)handle a matter without adequate preparation or guidance
48.wear and tear--loss or damage caused by use
49.e what may--no matter what happens
50.drop by--make a short or unplanned visit
51.be short of--not hing enough
52.cut it out--stop doing sth
53.be sick of--be tired of;hing a strong dislike of
54.look for a needle in a haystack(a bottle)--search for something in a plac
e where it is hopelessly lost.
55.knock oneself out--work very hard;make a great effort
56.run up against--encounter
57.far from--anything but;not at all
58.far from it--by no means;not at all
59.hang on to--hold tightly;keep firmly
60.get nowhere--be unsuccessful;obtain no result 61.day in and day out--every day;all the time
62.break down--cease to function
63.get going--get started;begin to move
64.take one's time--not hurry
65.boil down to--indicate,especially as a final judgement or analysis
66.make up--take a test for the second time
67.put up with--bear with patience;tolerate
68.by and by--before long
69.give someone a hand--help;assist
70.ring a bell--sound familiar
71.snap out of it--
(1)change one's habits,attitude,etc,suddenly
(2)regain one's posure,energy,or good spirits;recover
72.raise the roof--make trouble;start a fight or an argument
73.get away with--escape without punishment
74.on business--with definite work to do
75.look up--search for;as an item of information,in a referance book
76.let up--(1)cease;stop
77.in any case(or event)--no matter what happens
78.e out--be published
79.look into--investigate;inspect
80.fall back on--rely on
81.spell out--explain very clearly or in detail
82.wrap up--bring to end,especially a successful conclusion
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