

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[布拉德皮特的香奈儿5号There you are的广告词求原英文与中文翻译]it's not a journey, every journey ends but we go on. the world turns, we turn with it. plan disappear, dreams take over. but where for I go, there you are. my l...+阅读

我个人的想法是“生命中的某一刻” 还有哪些有才的橙子们给出更好的 英文歌词 Everday I pray to help me through the day to make myself stronger.. and I pray Once in a Lifetime --- English Ver. Shinhwa by: azkabanbdwm So long I've waiting for my dreams to come to life Believed that faith would make them come true And when I closed my eyes in my heart i knew That somesome was gonna answer my prayers.. some how i knew Beneath the stars at night I promised I would always try And i know it was worth the while Although it's hard sometimes you know that my love is always on your side You can make it happen just believe Once in a life time Fly to the star There's no denying just believe in who you are Once in your life time Let me take you there Cause you dont have to feel all alone you know I'll be there 슬프고 힘든 날들을 다 지나도록 해, OK Open up your eyes to the sky then you can find the way for then better days 이제 우리 세상을 모두 같이 다 함께 할 수 있게 힘들면 쉬어가도 OK, yo 잠깐 Take a second 그 오랜 꿈, 수많은 Star I Know that You can take it 함께라면 좀 더 날 거야 니 꿈들은 passion, It's all yours. There's no question Through all the joy and pain my dream won't fade they still remain Rainy days always come and go But love is always there I know as long as you are here with me That eventually you'll see Once in a life time Fly to the star There's no denying just believe in who you are Once in your life time Let me take you there Cause you don't have to feel all alone you know I'll be there Don't you ever let go or shed a tear (No Baby No More Cry) I'll be there so have no fear (I'll pray for you and me tonight) When the moments right You'll know inside its time Inside you always knew Dreams can come true Once In A Lifetime Fly to the Star 별들이 너의 꿈을 지켜 줄 거야(지켜 줄 거야) Once In Your Lifetime 우리 그 날 위해 영원히 함께 만들어 갈 Everything for your Dreams Once In A Lifetime Fly to the star (Fly to the star) 영원히 너의 꿈을 기억할거야(기억할거야) Once In Your Lifetime 우리 그 날 위해 영원히 함께 만들어 가야할 Love for Your Dreams -------------END----------


求与大海捞针等表示很难找的意思的成语暗箭难防 (àn jiàn nán fáng) 冷箭最难防范。比喻阴谋诡计难以预防。 百般刁难 (bǎi bān diāo nàn) 用各种手段使对方过不去。 百年难遇 (bǎi nián nán yù) 百年也碰...


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成语一落千丈是什么意思一落千丈【拼音】: yī luò qiān zhàng【解释】: 原指琴声陡然降落。后用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。【出处】: 唐·韩愈《听颖师弹琴》诗:“跻攀分寸不可上,失势一...


水车是什么意思古代怎么灌溉使水槽能够接到更多的水,原先浸在水里的竹筒(已灌满了水)将离开水面被提升。此时。 原理: 竹筒起到了叶轮的作用,获得的能量使筒车旋转起来。并克服筒车的摩擦阻力:势能),来获得能量...

九牛之人是什么意思九牛之人的意思:生命成长的过程是不断自我提升的过程,你给自己如何定位,你就真的会成为那样的人。你愿不愿意用发现九牛之人的眼光去看待你周围的人。“九牛之人”的来历: 从前,...

意思是边疆不平静的成语是什么狼烟四起,烽火连天,炮火连天。 1、狼烟四起 [拼音]láng yān sì qǐ [释义]狼烟:古代边防报警时烧狼粪腾起的烟。四处都是报警的烟火,指边疆不平静。 2、烽火连天 [拼音]fēng...

成语故事 50字以内一定要带意思退避三舍:春秋时期,晋国内乱,晋献公的儿子重耳逃到楚国。楚成王收留并款待他,他许诺如晋楚发生战争晋军将退避三舍(一舍为三十里)。后来重耳在秦穆公的帮助下重回晋国执政。晋国支...
