

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[找小学三年级英语故事]英语文章:How is mesothelioma treated? Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and gener...+阅读

Gingerbread Man old man old woman dog cat farmer hunter fox tiger crocodile gingerbread man Aside(旁白) :Many years ago , there lived an old man and an old woman , they had no children . The old man had a dog , the old woman had a cat . They lived together happily . Old man : Grandma , Christmas Day is coming , let' s make a gingerbread man , I like gingerbread man very much . It's very delicious . It's good to eat ! Old woman : Ok ! Grandpa , I will make a gingerbread man . I like gingerbread man too . I think it's very delicious . It's good to eat ! And we need a gingerbread man , because Christmas Day is coming . Aside(旁白) : So the old woman made a gingerbread man , and it was really good to eat . The cat came into the kitchen , and saw the gingerbread man . Cat : I am . I am a cat . I'm very clever . Ah a gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Come on , don't run away . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the living room . A dog saw him . Dog : I am . I am a dog . I can run fast . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The dog jumped to the gingerbread man , but the gingerbread man ran away . The gingerbread man ran across the field , he met a farmer . Farmer : I am . I am a farmer . I like farming . Oh, here is a gingerbread man , I think its good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the forest , he saw a hunter . Hunter : I am . I am a hunter . I'm very hungry . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat , come on let me have a taste . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran in the forest , he saw a fox . Fox : I am . I am a fox . I'm so smart . Look , a gingerbread man is running . I think I can eat him . It looks good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . Here comes a tiger . Tiger : I am . I'm a tiger . I'm very strong . I am the king of the animals . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can't eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . He came to a river . He wanted to cross the river . But there was a crocodile in the river . Gingerbread man: Mr. Crocodile , can you take me to cross the river? Crocodile: Sure , you can jump on my back . I can take you to cross the river. Gingerbread man : Thank you . You are so kind ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man jumped on the crocodile's back , then the crocodile swam in the river . Crocodile : Now , you can jump on my mouth . Gingerbread man : OK ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man wanted to jump on the crocodile's mouth . But the crocodile quickly opened his big mouth , and the gingerbread man jumped into his mouth . Crocodile : Er…. The gingerbread man is really good to eat . It's really delicious !


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