

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[索地雅推爱达力中文站意在中国奶粉市场]根据预测,2013年中国的新生儿规模仍将独占全球鳌头,中国的婴幼儿用品市场也将引来新一轮的国际资本关注热潮。 新年伊始,关注欧洲乳业的部分乳业分析人士发现,法国乳业巨头索地...+阅读

('D' 防御, 'A' 攻击, 'J' 跳跃) ('>', '^', 'v' 表示方向) 利用主菜单中OPTION可以更改设置 出招表: ==John== 1.Energy Blast (15mp) Input method: D + >+ A 2.Heal (others) (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J 3.Energy Shield: (20mp) Input method: D + >+ J 4.Energy Disk: (50mp) Input method: D + ^ + A 5.Heal (myself): (70mp) Input method: D + v + J ==Deep== 1.Energy Blast (15mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 2.Strike (15mp) Input method: D + v + A 3.Leap Attack: (15mp) Input method: D + ^ + J + A 4.Leap Attack2: (15mp) Input method: Strike + J + A 5.Dashing Strafe: (30mp) Input method: D + >+ J ==Henry== 1.Dragon Palm (30mp) Input method: D + >+ A 2.Multiple Shot (30mp) Input method: D + J + A ( + A + A...) 2.Critical Shot (40mp) Input method: D + >+ J 2.Sonata of the Death (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Rudolf== 1.Leap Attack: (0mp) Input method: D + >+ J 2.Multiple Ninja Star: (20mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 2.Transform (30mp) Input method: Gripping Other + D + J + A 3.Hide (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J 4.Double (70mp) Input method: D + v + J ==Louis== 1.Thunder Punch (10mp) Input method: Run + A 2.Thunder Punch (15mp) Input method: Run + J + A 3.Thunder Kick (10mp) Input method: D + >+ J 4.Whirlwind Throw (15mp) Input method: D + ^ + J 5.Phoenix Palm (30mp) Input method: D + >+ A ==LouisEX== 1.Phoenix Dance (0mp) Input method: D + v + A 2.Thunder Punch (6mp) Input method: Run + A 3.Thunder Punch (8mp) Input method: Run + J + A 4.Phoenix Palm (20mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) ==Firen== 1.Fire Ball (15mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 2.Blaze (15mp +...) Input method: D + >+ J 3.Inferno (30mp +...) Input method: D + v + J 4.Explosion (60mp + 8hp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Freeze== 1.Ice Blast (20mp) Input method: D + >+ A 2.Sommon Sword (30mp) Input method: D + v + J 3.Icicle (30mp) Input method: D + >+ J 4.Whirlwind (60mp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Firzen== 1.Firzen Cannon (5mp +...) Input method: D + >+ J 2.Overwhelming Disaster (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ( + A + A...) 3.Arctic Volcano (50mp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Dennis== 1.Energy Blast (8mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 2.Shrafe (15mp) Input method: D + v + A 3.Whirlwind Kick (15mp + ...) Input method: D + >+ J 4.Chasing Blast (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ==Woody== 1.Flip Kick (0mp) Input method: D + ^ + A 2.Turning Kick (10mp) Input method: D + v + A 3.Teleport (10mp) Input method: D + ^ + J (to enemy) / D + v + J (to friend) 4.Energy Blast (25mp) Input method: D + >+ A 5.Tiger Dash (40mp) Input method: D + >+ J ==Davis== 1.Leap Attack (5mp) Input method: D + ^ + J + A 2.Energy Blast (8mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 3.Shrafe (15mp) Input method: D + v + A 4.Dragon Punch (45mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ==Template== No special moves. ==Bandit== No special moves. ==Hunter== No special moves. ==Mark== 1.Crash Punch (0mp) Input method: D + >+ A (+ A) 2.Body Attack (0mp + ...) Input method: D + >+ J ==Jack== 1.Energy Blast (10mp) Input method: D + >+ A 2.Flash Kick (25mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ==Sorcerer== 1.Ice Blast (25mp) Input method: D + >+ J 2.Fire Ball (15mp) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A + A...) 3.Heal (others) (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J 4.Heal (myself): (70mp) Input method: D + v + J ==Monk== 1.ShaoLin Palm (20mp) Input method: D + >+ A ==Jan== 1.Devil's Judgement (30mp) Input method: D + ^ + A 2.Angel's Blessing (40mp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Knight== No special moves. ==Justin== 1.Wolf Punch (15mp) Input method: D + v + A ( + A...) 2.Energy Blast (15mp) Input method: D + >+ A ==Bat== 1.Speed Punch (10mp) Input method: D + >+ J 2.Eye Laser (25mp) Input method: D + >+ A 3.Sommon Bats (40mp) Input method: D + ^ + J ==Julian== 1.Soul Punch (0mp) Input method: Run + A 2.Uppercut (0mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ( + A) 3.Skull Blast (2mp + ...) Input method: D + >+ A ( + A...) 4.Mirror Image (5mp) Input method: D + J + A ( + J...) 5.Big Bang (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + J 6.Soul Bomb (25mp) Input method: D + >+ J ------------- Function Keys ------------- F1: Pause F2: Pause/Step F3: Function Keys (F6,F7,F8,F9) Locked F4: Restart F5: Speed up F6: Unlimited MP F7: Recover F8: Drop items from the sky F9: Destroy all items ESC: Quit (F5 ~ F9 are disabled in stage mode.)


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