

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁知道天声人语的中文翻译那里有]圣诞礼物(天声人语061224) 圣诞礼物(天声人语061224) 歳末の混雑の中、高速道路の车が、歩くようにゆっくりと动くのが见える。街角には无数の豆电球が瞬き、どこからともなくク...+阅读

Comparison Rabin-Miller test and the second AKS-Bernstein algorithm


The theroy and process of Rabin-Miller test and the second AKS-Bernstein algorithm are introduced in this paper. The running time of these two algorithms are compared in the range of dozens of integral numbers. We suggest that further research about these two algorithms are needed and has practical importance.

Key words: Primality testing, Miller test, Rabin-Miller test, AKS algorithm



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