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1. Public acceptance of rabbit as an economical source of protein dependson ____.

A. how aggressively do producers market it

B. if it marketed aggressively

C. how aggressively producers market it

D. whether or not aggressive marketing

2. You mustn't eat these apples ____ they are unripe.

A. much asB. because ofC. even ifD. in case

3. Although ____ happened in the developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.

A. whichB. whatC. howD. it

4. It was he in ____ we had the greatest faith.

A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. that

5. Being in no great hurry, ____.

A.we went the long route

B. the long scenic route was our preference

C. we took the long, scenic route

D. our preference was taking the long, scenic route

6.Neither of the answers ____ right.

A. wereB. isC. has beenD. are

7. He is ill, ____ I am only a little tired.

A. whereasB. on the contrary

C. and D. however

8. She is rich, and ____ is more, very beautiful.

A. whoB. thatC. whatD. which

9. Say ____you like, it is your father that made you ____ you are.

A. that ;thatB. that;what

C. what ;thatD. what ;what

10. ____ you made your bed,____you must lie on it.

A.Because;soB.For;andC. Once ;andD. As ;so

11. If reading is to acplish anything more than ____time, it must be active.

A. wastingB. spendingC. passingD.idling

12. The ____ from the airport was really tiring because it was situated far from the city.

A. flightB. trelC. crossingD. journey

13. Kenya's Tso Game Park ____ Susan much of the wildlife park she had visited in New Jersey.

A. evokedB. recalled

C. remindedD. remembered

14. Did you notice the ____ on the doctor's face when he heard that Kita had found the pearl o

f the world.

A. appearanceB. expressionC. deionD. illusion

15. They plan to ____ the rundown house in a year's time.

A. reviveB. renovateC. replaceD. remove

16. The supply of silver in the mine had ____, causing great concern among the people of the town.

A. increasedB. extendedC. devaluedD. diminished

17. The lawyer thought that piece of evidence was ____early in the investigation, but it turned out to be vital in convicting the criminal.

A. unchangeableB. unsuitable

C. insignificantD. important

18. The once beautiful flowers in the vase had ____.

A. witheredB.wastedC. wateredD. wrinkled

19. This has been the ____ of the frontier on the American mind.

A. impactB. inputC. effortD. recognition

20. Because of its incredibly ____ natural resources, the United States appeared to be a “land of plenty”.

A. optionalB. abundantC. maximumD. leading

21. The most important of these leaders was Martin Luther King, a black minister with a great gift for ____ his people.

A. excitingB. cheeringC. inspiringD. offering

22. Material abundance has been the life blood which has ____Americans in their basic beliefs and values.

A. contributedB. providedC. foredD. sustained

23. I ____ a letter to an Inter service that distributes journalists' questions to more than 850 institutions.

A. assignedB. attached

C. dispatchedD.detached

24. Some colleges are statesupported, others are privately ____, and still others are supported by religious anizations.

A. entitledB. endeored C. ensuredD. endowed

25. In addition, there are specialized public schools for the ____, and for those with other special needs, as well as accelerated and enriched courses for gifted students.

A. indulgedB. handicapped

C. kidnapped D. invalid


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