

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于货品包装的外贸英语]外贸包装英语we agree to use cartons for outer packing.我们同意用纸箱做外包装。could you use cardboard boxes?你们用硬纸板箱包装吗?it would cost more for you...+阅读

1:A 考的是 enquiry about 2:C resulte from用法 3:A 考的是 DRAWER,DRAWEE 解释下:Drawer 是指出票人即签发汇票的人,在进出口业务中,出票人通常是出口商。 Drawee是指受票人即汇票的付款人,在进出口业务中,受票人通常是进口商或其指定的银行 4:B信用证的受益人即出口方。5:D付款行。6:A 唯一不确定的一题。7:B 考的是superior to 还有 in quality 8:D 考的是词组furnish us with a detailed report on furnish with 和report on 9 :A for sb information是固定用法,还有 result in 引起,导致 10:B 用什么付款方式都是By.另外 satisfactory to


有关包装的外贸英语包装英语(一)the next thing id like to bring up for discussion is packing.下面我想提出包装问题讨论一下。wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of...

进出口英语外贸函电进出口英语外贸函电的范文:提出询价Dear Sirs: Jun.1, 2001We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U...

急需常用的一些外贸英语口语谁帮忙列举下北京嘉鲁达货代.jialuda.com为您整理,常用外贸英语口语50句1、 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one. 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留...

想学外贸英语口语常用词汇有哪些外贸英语口语是一个长期积累的过程,这期间需要我们努力的付出才有收获,我这整理下关于价格等方面的外贸词汇,希望对你学外贸英语口语有帮助。 cost price 成本价 factory pri...

求高手帮忙解答外贸函电的专业术语中英互译1装运通知,又叫做下货纸 2中性包装 即既不表明国别又不表明品牌的包装 3目的港 4FULL CONTAINER LOAD整箱装 5FREE ON BOARD 装运港船上交货 6商业发票 7空白背书 8BILL OF L...

求外贸函电中跟进客户的常用语hi,fool,what's wrong?Por que no me contestas?why?tell me why?hehe,It is but a joke. You can say something like this:Dear xxx, Wish everything well with you and...

第一部分:请牛人帮忙外贸函电专业术语英译中!谢谢Sale by Sample:凭样品销售 a trial order:试单,指买方购买少量货物回去试用 repeat order:翻单 duplicate order: 重复订单,即定购量翻倍 regular order: 经常订单 sample book: 商...

急!请懂得英文外贸函电知识的朋友帮帮偶!Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound...

外贸函电基本常识Dear Sirs, We are accepting quotations from all tools manufacturers and suppliers of hardware. We are looking for full container quantities only. Please provide...
