

12月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语形容词和副词的最高级有哪些]形容词、副词比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化 规则变化 (1)一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级+er , 最高级+est clever-cleverer-cleverest few-fewer-fewes...+阅读

my favorite clothes is a dress.my mother bought it when i was 18.it is red with blue flowers on it.i think the dress represents my mother love.so when i return home from college in summer,i wear it.



英语例举出形容词的比较级和最高级good ,better ,best 好 bad ,worse ,worst 坏 high ,higher ,highest高 low ,lower ,lowest低 cheap ,cheaper ,cheapest 便宜 expensive ,more expensive ,most expensive...

英语形容词比较级大全这个我知道~ 1. 直接+er 2. 单词最后一个字母为e,直接+r 3. 双写+er:大的big,胖的fat,瘦的thin,红的red,热的hot,辣的hot,湿的wet 4. 变y为i,+er 5. 部分双音节词,多音节词前+more:po...

英语中的介词 in在表示时间的时候到底在之内还是在之后的意思啊其实in和时间相关的短语有两种意思. 第一种at the end of a period of time in the future i will call you in two days就是这种情况,你可以说是两天以后,因为这样解释很简单...

急求英语顺口溜pril Days Days of witchery. Nature is waking up Sending forth her beautiful sound, And the woodpeckers', And through the wood the shy wind steals! Springtime Wh...

英语谚语10句和一个英语顺口溜A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the ha...

英语语法顺口溜be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词...

有没有搞笑的英语顺口溜1) Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's bitter! But a bit of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better butte...


以爱的名义作文一盏青灯,一幅长卷,端做桌前达到忘我的境界。 她就做在我对面,桌前的作业本从左边一本一本搁到了右边。“再倒杯水么?”我问她,“哦谢谢。”她搁下红笔扶了扶鼻梁上的眼镜,端起水...
