

12月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学习there be句型结构一致的疑问句]本单元的主题是新学生在校园里谈论学校的教室和场所。本单元的重点语法是学习there be句型结构一致的疑问句IS/Are there..?和特殊疑问句How many are there?及其答语,本单元...+阅读

当主语在谓语前出现时叫自然语序(the natural order)。在某些情况下,我们可以把谓语成分放在主语前面,这种词序叫做倒装语序(the inverted order)。

倒装分两种:配合语法条例的倒装,叫“grammatical inversion”;配合强调语势的倒装,叫“emphatic inversion”。

一、语法上的倒装句是强制性的,包括下列 7 种:


● Can you do it? ● How old are you? ● When did you know him?

● Why did you elect him as captain? ● Which of these apples do you prefer?


● Who is your English teacher? ● What happened last night?


● May God bless you. ● Long live the king!


● There are many cars on the road. ● There stand some big trees near the river.

● There is a security guard outside the bank.


● How beautiful the flower is! ● What a smart boy you are!

⒌有连接词“so, neither, nor”的句子,如:

● Tom can ride a bicycle; so can I. ● She can't sing; neither can he.

● John has never been late; nor he I.


● Were I you, I would not do such a thing.

● Should the machine break down again, send it back to us.

● Had you worked harder, you would he passed.

⒎“as, however”连接的让步副词分句,如:

● Small as the pen is, it is a powerful weapon.

● However busy you are, you should spend some time reading Zaobao weekly.


● Never he I seen such a wicked man.

● On no account must this employee be removed.

● Not until he told me had I heard anything of it.

● No sooner had I left than the rain came.

● Up jumped the puppy.

● In came John.

● Down fell the rotten branches from the tree.

● Out came a woman and her maid.



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