

12月13日 编辑 39baobao.com



I like many flowers, but I like rose the best. Why? Because it is beautful and has lots colour: red, yellow, white, black and many, many colours … examda

Rose is the national flowers of Britain. Lots people like rose very much. The same as me. I always buy roses for my mum on her birthday. She likes rose very much too. In our class many girls think roses are the most beautful flower in the world, and me too.

When I he nothing to do, I will go to the garden and water the roses. I like looking at them when I am tried, sometimes I feel as if I am rose too. From Monday to Friday, I need to do my homework and he no time to look after them, but I still like them very much, every night before go to bed, I will go to the garden and say “ good night” to my fourite flower, and tell them “ You are the best flower in my heart!”




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