[旅游作文:旅途中的数学]曹文馨,指导老师:孙建荣, 今天一早醒来,我无比兴奋,因为今天我们就要回安徽老家过年了。我起床后洗漱好就帮着爸爸妈妈把东西搬到车上。八点左右我们出发了,爸爸把车子开到加油站...+阅读
I live in Shanghai and I go to school by bicycle every day. It is convenient to me but I he to put up with the polluted air. Like many others, every morning I hurry along with a mask over my mouth to protect myself from the exhaust fumes all over the city.
It is the rapid growth of the number of motor vehicles that is chiefly responsible for deteriorating air quality. A hey fine should be imposed on the owners of the vehicles found emitting excessive exhaust fumes. In addition, the authorities concerned should encourage the use of public transportation by improving the bus system. In short, the pollution problem has bee so critical that nothing but concrete, positive, and strong action can lead to noticeable improvement.
虹彩宝宝绚烂旅途中的中转站——大班第一学期班级总结太仓市新区幼教中心娄江幼儿园 姚哲一 当冬季的凉意沁入心底时,当孩子们的欢声笑语渐渐隐没在凛凛北风里时,我们这学期的各项工作也便开始进入尾声了。回顾这一学期的点滴成长...
旅游途中的货币常识中国的货币叫做人民币,是由国家银行中国人民银行发行的。人民币的单位是元,辅币是角和分。一元为十角,一角为十分。元、角和分有纸币,元和五角及分也有铸币。元的票面有 1、 2、...