

12月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[你自以为是的亮点其实是面试官眼中的雷点]面试时答非所问、漏洞百出、使用夸张的肢体语言都会令HR反感,除了这些,求职者还要注意以下五点,这也同样令HR难以接受。 1.形象超前卫、时尚 雷点:除了耳钉以外的各种人体穿孔艺...+阅读

Preparing for an interview can be stressful -- and time-consuming. You can spend days researching a pany, brainstorming answers to "trick" questions and preparing your portfolio. With so much to do, it’s easy to fet the practical details that can distinguish a successful interview from a tragic one.


This article focuses on the minor matters that job seekers often overlook before they sit down in the interview hot seat.


Getting Your Interview Gear Read


Lay out your clothing in advance. You don’t want to be frantically searching for a missing sock or clean shirt on the day of the interview. Make sure your outfit is clean and neatly pressed and take care of other time-consuming chores (polishing your shoes, trimming your nails) the day before the interview if possible.


Also, gather all the other important materials you’ll need for the interview in one place, where you will be sure not to fet them. You might include copies of your resume, references and directions.


Just Call Me "Dragon Breath"


Your parents were right: You don’t do as well on an empty stomach.


Make sure you eat before the interview. You don’t need to he a huge meal. In fact, a hey meal or one loaded with carbs can make you feel sluggish and lethargic. But a light meal or snack will ensure that your stomach doesn’t start rumbling loudly just as you’re about to discuss your most brilliant acplishment.


If your interview isn’t until later in the day, steer clear of stinky bards, such as onions and garlic. Whatever you plan to eat before the interview should be followed by some mouthwash and a good brushing.


He Interview, Will Trel


The day of the big interview is not the time to try out a new shortcut or investigate an unfamiliar area. Make sure you know how to get to your interview in advance. Make a practice run the day before if necessary.


Also, find out exactly where you’ll need to go when you arrive at the pany. If you’re lucky, you’ll walk through the front door and find the receptionist waiting. If you’re not so lucky, you’ll need to find your way to Lot 8, Building 9, Floor 10, Suite D, Room 125 -- so be sure you know how to get there.

还要了解一下到了公司后,具体要去哪里面试。如果幸运地话,你走过前门时会发现接待人员;如果不那么幸运,你就要自己找路线了(比如到8幢9号楼10层D座125室)。所以一定要事先确保了解路线。 Eyes and Ears Are Everywhere


When it es to interviewing, a little paranoia can be a good thing. Your interview starts in the parking lot, so be conscious of your surroundings. Any onlooker could be one of your interviewers. Act accordingly.


Be courteous and professional to everyone you meet, from the security guard to the receptionist. If you make small talk with strangers, be positive and pleasant. This isn’t the time to plain about the "funny smell in the lobby" or a long wait for an elevator.


Lastly, turn off your cell phone.




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遇到这种诡异的公司,千万别去面试了!最近在锦囊君的【有问必答】里,有个网友偷偷留言: 最近觉得公司气氛不对,很焦虑,想让大家帮忙判断一下,公司出现什么征兆了,说明走下坡路了…… 我是不是也要早做打算?最近已经有别...

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