[读《从字词学习抵达阅读理解》一文有感]在周一贯先生主编的《小学语文文体教学大观》一书中,我读到了莫国夫的一篇文章,心中颇受触动。文中指出: 小学阅读教学承担着识字学词的功能,同时这又是一个双向互动的过程,即识...+阅读
Continuing Medical Education
There is increasing recognition of the need for health workers to continue their education throughout their careers. Not only do health workers themselves wish to improve their own skills and petence, but the introduction of new techniques and equipment and the changes taking place in health needs and health care policies necessitate continued training. The phrase "health care" is intended to mean not just curative treatment for the sick but the whole range of provision for promoting health and preventing disease.
In virtually every situation some response to this need has been made, so continuing education does take place -- even though it may in many instances be ineffective or insufficient. Continuing education may be initiated by the health workers themselves, by their supervisors, by the managers of the health system, or by other agencies such as professional associations, publishers, and drug panies The form of the continuing education may be written materials (journals, books, advertisements), meetings, courses, supervisory visits, or a variety of other methods.
With this diversity of approach it is not surprising that the effectiveness of the continuing education should be variable. So it is natural that in many countries there is concern that more continuing education should be provided and that it should be more effective.
The approach suggested that to achieve this aim is to develop a "system" of continuing education. This term needs some explanation as it is capable of being interpreted in many ways. A system is not the same thing as an anization that provides continuing education. It is much more than that. It is the sum of the educational activities, the anizational structure that supports and manages those activities, the management, and the external agencies involved in the provision of health care. The system should prise a nationwide coordinated program in which technology and resources are optimally used.
1. Health workers themselves are aware of the importance of continued training.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
2. Health needs and health care policies always remain constant
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
3. The phrase "health care" means more than curative treatment for the sick.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
4. Continuing medical education is particularly ineffective in developing countries.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
5. Written materials constitute the best form of continuing medical education.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
6. More effective continuing medical education is called for in many countries.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
7. A "system" of continuing education functions in the same way as an anization that provides continuing education.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
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