

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一个有名的球星AGoodFootballPlayer]一个有名的球星(A Good Football Player) Everybody knows that Brazil won the World Cup in 2002 in Japan. But do you know who helped Brazil football team win it? It...+阅读

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B=Bob K=Ken

B: He you heard that Beckham wrote a book about himself?

B: 你听说了吗?贝克汉姆写了一本关于自己的书?

K: Of course. Five thousand people queued for over ten hours to see Did Beckham sign copies of his autobiography.

K: 当然了。5000人排了10个多小时的队就为了等到贝克汉姆在自传上的签名。

B: They must be mad.

B: 他一定是疯了。

K: Why are you so? If I were them, I would do that too.

K: 为什么这么说?如果我是他们,我也会那么做的。

B: Are you his fan?

B: 你是他的球迷?

K: Yes. I love his good-looking, his shyness and his supereme talent.

K: 是的。我爱他的英俊,爱他的腼腆和他的才华横溢。

B: Do you love football?

B: 你爱足球吗?

K: What do you mean?

K: 你是什么意思?

B: I mean Beckham is famous for his good-looking, not his football skill.

B: 我的意思是贝克汉姆出名是因为他的英俊,而不是他的球技。

K: No. Since he stepped out onto the pitch for his first team place as a shifted teenager, Did Beckham has always been Manchester United's forite.

K: 不。自从作为天才少年上场以来,贝克汉姆始终是曼联喜欢的球员。

B: Really?

B: 真的吗?

K: The England defeated German in 2000 after 34 years' fight. And the most important one was passed by him.

K: 2000年,英格兰经过34年的拼搏终于打败了德国队。而最为重要的一个球就是他传的。

B: Oh, I begin to love him now.

B: 噢,我开始喜欢他了。
