

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[这些不该在简历中出现的词语]如果你最近在找工作,那么很可能已经把印在A4纸上的简历看了一遍又一遍,并作了尽可能多的修改,以制作出完美的简历。 不过,在添加又一段内容前,请考虑一下:最佳的改动不一定是要添...+阅读


1. One of the most ill-mannered things to do at a business meal is _______.

order a lot of food

smoke while the others are eating

set up business papers on the table

use a cell phone






2. When you he a business meeting in the UK, you should:

get down to business straight away

spend an hour introducing yourselves

oid talking business immediately

spend time eating and drinking and getting to know each other

3. You he a meeting with a client but are expecting a call. You should:

make sure your cell phone is charged up and turned on

set your cell phone ring volume to high to ensure you hear any calls

turn your cell phone off

tell your client you are expecting a phone call

4. When you receive someone else's business card you should:

immediately put it into your back pocket

immediately pass them your business card

look at the card but say nothing about it

look at the card and acknowledge it

5. What should you do if you see someone at a business event that you he met before, but you cant remember their name?

ignore the person

introduce yourself, apologise for not remembering their name but say where you met them before

walk up to him or her and say, "Hi, mate!"

try to find out the person's name from others at the event and then introduce yourself.

6. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should:

send an e-mail because it is faster and more efficient

send a handwritten note

call within 72 hours

a verbal thank you is enough


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