
Accompanying Guests forShopping 陪来宾购物

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[与来宾朋友潇洒告别]A: I really must be going now.B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.B Well, it's too bad (...+阅读

Acpanying Guests forShopping 陪来宾购物

Key Sentences(重点句子)

434. I want to do some shopping.


435.What are you going to buy?


436.I want to buy some souvenirs for my family and friends.


437.I'd suggest the New World Department Store.


438.The environment for shopping is fortable.


439. They are not the things want to buy, I'm afraid.


440.On which floor are the handicraft articles sold?


441.I'd like to look at some handicraft articles.


442.You know, a bull is a symbol of boom in business.


443.Would you show me that jewelry box over there?


444.It looks elegant and attractive, isn't it?


445. Is it hand-made?


446.This will surely make a very wonderful pressent.


447.Please wrap it up nicely.


448.The goods are dazzling.


449.These are typical Chinese things.


450.They reflect the old oriental culture and tradition.


451.What you said is quite correct.


452.I'll buy some.


453.That sounds reasonable.


Dialogue A

(Mr. Baker wants Miss Li to help him to buy something before he lees Beijing)

(A: Mr. Baker; B: Miss Li)

A: Miss Li, I want to do some shopping. Could you help me?

B: Of course, I'd like to. What are you going to buy?

A: I want to buy some souvenirs for my family and friends.

B: Well, I'd suggest the New World Department Store. It's not too far.

A: OK. Let's go.

(At the Department Store)

B: Here we are.

A: Good, the environment for shopping is fortable. What do they sell on the first floor?

B: They sell cosmetics, shoes and the like on this floor. Would you like to he a look over these cosmetics?

A: Oh, no. They are not the things I want to buy, I'm afraid. On which floor are the handicraft articles sold?

B: They should be on the fourth floor. Let's take the escalator. (On the fourth floor)

C: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

A: Yes, I'd like to look at some handicraft articles.

C: These jade carvings with varying styles are lovely. Would you like the jade bull? You know, a bull is a symbol of boom in business.

A: It's great. How much is it?

C: 500 yuan RMB.

A: I'll take it. And would you show me that jewelry box over there?

C: It looks elegant and attractive, isn't it?

A: How exquisite! Is it hand-made?

C: Entirely hand-made with fine workmanship. This will surely make a very wonderful present.

A: I'm sure my wife will love it. OK, please wrap it up nicely.

Dialogue B

( T: Mr. Thompson, the businessman; W: Miss Wang, the secretary; C: the clerk of the store)

T: The goods are dazzling.

W: These are typical Chinese things: Chinese paintings, kites, face painting of Beijing opera, patch work, embroideries…

T: Nice, very nice. I like them. They're fresh to me. They reflect the old oriental culture and tradition, which is quite different from ours.

W: Yes, what you said is quite correct.

T: Are these table wares made of jade?

W: Yes, but usually they are just for ornaments, not for daily use.

T: Chopsticks, so many kinds. And there is a pair made of silver. It's very cheap. I'll buy some.

C: What can I do for you, sir?

T: Yes, I want to buy some silver chopsticks as souvenirs.

C: How many would you like to he?

T: Two pairs. They are neither for ornaments nor for daily use, they are just souvenirs.

C: Actually, you can use them, I think, when you he Chinese dinners. They function very well. Do you want anything else?

T: Yes, I just remembered that I want to buy some slides about scenic spots in Beijing.

C: Do you prefer a bination or the special one.

T: A bination, please.

W: (After Mr. Thompson paying for the slides) Anything else do you want to he?

T: Yes, my wife asked me to buy a silk blouse, and some silk materials for her.

W: I think we'd better visit the woman's department on the second floor.

T: Do you often shop here?

W: Yes, sometimes. …Here we are, Mr. Thompson.

T: (To the clerk. ) Excuse me. would you please show me that silk blouse?

C: Yes, here you are. It's a hundred percent silk.

T: Nice, I'll take it, and I'm also interested in buying a matching skirt.

C: Sorry, we do not he matching sets. But you can he the nice coordinate like this one.

T: OK, but I am really looking for something with a stripe, in blue. Could you find anything like that?

C: OK, wait a minute. How about this one, sir?

T: It's all right. I'll take both of them. How much shall I pay for both?

C: They are three hundred and twenty yuan in RMB.

T: Oh no, they are expensive. For both, can I pay two hundred yuan?

C: I'm sorry, sir. Two hundred yuan is too less, I'll lose money, especially the skirt. Two hundred and fifty will do, sir?

T: OK. That sounds reasonable.

W: They are fine, they must look good on your wife.

T: I think so, and the price is also good. You know, I don't take money so serious, but I don't like to be fooled. I want to buy some arts and crafts for my boss. Where shall we find them, Miss Wang?

W: I think you'd better buy them at the Friendship Store because those are precious things. The qualities are guaranteed there.

T:Thank you, Miss Wang. You are really helpful.

W:My pleasure. Let's go.

Notes 注释

1.Could you help me?


2.They should be on the fourth floor.


3.It's great. 太好了。

4.How exquisite! 多么精致啊!

5.face painting of Beijing opera京剧脸谱

6.patch work织补工艺品

7.be fresh to sb.对某人来讲很新鲜

8.be made of制作

9.buy some slides about scenic spots in Beijing


10.bination 综合品

11.Could you find anything like that?


12. lose money 赔钱;赊本(钱)

13.They must look good on your wife.


14. I don't take money so serious.


Words and Expressions

acpany/+'k)mp+ni/ v. 陪同;陪伴

cosmetic /k&z'metik/ n. 化妆品

escalator/'esk+leit+/ n. 电动扶梯

handicraft articles 手工艺品

bull /bul/ n. 公牛

boom /bu: m/ n. 景气;繁荣

exquisite/'ekskwizit/ a. 优美的;精致的

jewelry/'d{u: +lri/ n. 首饰

dazzling/'d$zliR/ a. 眼花缭乱的

typical/'tipik+l/ a. 典型的

kite /kait/ n. 风筝

embroidery/im'br&id+ri/ n. 刺绣品

reflect /ri'flekt/ v. 反映

culture/'k)lM+Q/ n. 文化

tradition/tr+'diM+n/ n. 传统

ware /w#+/ n. 制品;陶器

jade /d{eid/ a. 玉制的

ornament/'&: n+m+nt/ n. 饰物

souvenir/?sju: v+'ni+/ n. 纪念品

blouse /blauz/ n. 女衬衣

silk /silk/ n. 丝绸

skirt /sk+: t/ n. 裙子

coordinate /k+u'&: dinit/ n. 同样的东西

stripe /straip/ n. 条纹

inventory/'inv+nt+ri/ n. 存货


Receiving Visitors 接待来宾Key Sentences(重点句子)109.I'd like to see the manager.我想见一见经理。110.Here's my card.这是我的名片。111.Do you he an appointment?请问您预约了吗?112.Is it...
