

10月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[产房术语知多少]对于准妈妈来说 进产房的心情,用任何语言恐怕都难以形容,任你有再强的心里素质 也免不了一脸懵逼。而产房的医生张口闭口都是专业术语,作为一个外行人完全不知道接下来要面临什...+阅读


Microbiology - the study of the microscopic forms of life.

Microfilaments - are the smallest filaments of the cytoskeleton. The filaments are made of hundreds of actin molecules, stacked in a line. They can be quickly broken down or extended. Actin filamanents give the cell its shape and help to change it. When cells move, in embryology and repair, or just during the continual patrol of lymphocytes, they must hold on to something in order to crawl. The filaments serve to anchor one part of the cell, via fibronectin to the cell matrix, so the rest of the cell can pull itself towards the anchor. Lymphocytes move and scenge by sticking out arms and feet to help them crawl and engulf foreign particles. Muscle cells change their shape by using stacks of actin filaments as a ladder on which myosin climbs.

Micron - 1000th part of a millimetre.

Microanisms - single celled animals which may range from the very small viruses, through bacteria and fungi to almost visible protozoa.

Microtubules - are the largest filament in the cytoskeleton. They are the hollow tubes along which cell products are conducted long distances. The system is no

t unlike a railway work around the cell, sometimes involving long distances. For example, neurones transport out neurotransmitter substances along the axons to distant synapses, inside microtubules.

Minor salivary glands - are microscopic glands under the surface of the oral mucosa. They are found throughout the lining mucosa of the mouth including the tongue.

Mitochondria - a cell anelle found in eucaryotic cells which produces ATP as a product of the kreb cycle and the electron transport system Cells requiring large amounts of energy, such as secreting odontoblasts, he large numbers of mitochondria. Mitochondria are self replicating and contain their own DNA for this purpose.

Mitosis- the division of a cell into two daughter cells, each of which is identical.

Mitotic activity - the rate of mitosis, and hence cell division. The mitotic activity of basal cells in an epithelium must match the rate of desquamation.

Molecules - a bination of atoms joined together in fixed proportions.

Monocytes - remain in the blood only a short time before they migrate into the tissues particularly where dead tissue must be removed, where they are calledmacrophages.


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