

05月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求大学生英语情景对话口语考试用的]A:Excuse me. B:That's all right. A:Are you going to the sport center? B:Yes,what's going on? A:This is the first time I have gone there. And I want to make a fr...+阅读

A:Hi, Peter you know more and more college students are sent to village by the government to work as local officials. What do you think of that?

B:i think it's very a great idea. College students can bring new minds to villege. They are knowlegable so they can transfer what they know to the childrens and farmers. then the opinion will be adopted widely.

A: yes i am quite agree with you. meanwhile the students can learn from the local people. they may only learned from books. i have to say this is a precious chance for them to prictise what they have learned and get know minds from the reality. such as farmer can teach them some important knowledge about agriculture. students also can combine them with the technology, which will direct the develop of country life. Do you think so?

B:Wonderful! this is a perfect measure for the development of the citizen living in rural place. this will definately benefit the next generetion.

A: i total agree with you!


A: what are you going to do this summer vocation?

B:I am not quite sure but maybe i will find a part time job. what about you?

A:i am going to beijing our capital.

B:why to beijing?

A:i saw many beautiful pictures on the internet and TV. many new constructions served for olympic games are very popular now. i am eager to enjoy the greatness of the passing olympic games. And you? why do you want to find a part-time job? you know summer is so hot.

B:i cannot always learn from books. i should find more truth from practice. the experienced people can teach me much which i cannot find in books. by the way, i really want to stand on my own.



人物1:John wanted to date Mary out for a movie. He calls her house number.

John: Hello, may i speak to Mary?

Ali: Sorry she's not in. You're?

John: I am her classmate, John. Do you know when she'll be back?

Ali: Sorry but i don't know. Perhaps you could call her handphone.

John: May i have her handphone number please?

Ali: Sure, 78532941.

John: Thanks a lot! GoodBye!

Ali: Gdbye.

人物1:John happily got Mary's handphone number, and he calls..

John: Hi is that Mary speaking?

Mary: Hmm yeah, who are you?

John: I am John!! Surprised!?

Mary: Oh my god! How did you have my number??

John: Your brother gave it to me. I wanted to ask you out for movie.

Mary: At where?

John: At the shopping mall near your house, 1pm in the afternoon.

Mary: Alright sure, I'll see you there.

John: Okie!! See you later!!


A:Excuse me。 could you do me the favor with this survey? B sure. what can i do for you? A OK. Can you tell me what do you do usually for entertainment? B um. i usually play online games. A ok. and my next question is what is your favorite sports/ B i like playing pingpong and jogging. A Do you often attend the social activities? what are they? B yeah. i find a parttime job as a salesgirl on weekends. A Are you a locale here? if not, do you get accustomed to the food here? B. It is all right. i come from beijing and i like spicy and hot food.the food here is light and sweet. anyway. it is ok for me. A what is your hobby? B hehe you know girls like shopping . A Um, ok this is so much about my survey. thanks a lot.


在图书馆 S:student T:teacher S:Can I check out this book? T:Yes,for three days. S:When is this book due back? T:It's due on Monday the 25th. S:How much is my fine? T:You owe five jiao. T:Be sure to take care of these book. S:I will. T:Do not write in the book. S:No,I won't. T;Do not rip out the pages. S:No,I won't. T:Make sure that you return the books in good condition. S:Of course.I will. T:Make sure that you return the books on time. S:What day do I need to bring them back? T;You need to return them by Tuesday. S:Could you help me find a book,Red and Black. T:Book in section A or B. S:Thank you. T:You are welcome. 用翻译不,用的话说声


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