[一级建造师铁路工程模拟试卷二]三、案例分析题(共5题,前3题各20分,后2题各30分) (一) 背景资料 某项铁路工程项目为营业线线路,根据实际地形还需设计桥涵、隧道等,下面就施工安全控制的有关内容提出以下问题 问题:...+阅读
First read the following questions.
83. Who is the author of Religion and the Rise of Capitalism?
C.Elizabeth Taylor.
84. Who was once the mander of the US army?
B.Elizabeth Taylor.
C.Zachary Taylor.
Now read Text G quickly and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Terner, John (1495 - 1545) British poser and anist, known for his church music.Tawney, Richard Henry (1880 - 1962) British historian. He is best known for his book Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926). He was a keen socialist, and professor of economic history at the University of London (1931 - 1949).Taylor, Elizabeth (b. 1932) British-American actress. Her films include National Velvet, Father of the Bride, A Place in the Sun, Giant and Cleopatra (1963). Taylor, Zachary (1784 - 1850) 12th President of the USA (1849 - 50),a Whig. He was born in Virginia. He led army campaigns against the Indians, and was mander of the US army in the Mexican War.Tecumseh (1768 - 1813) Shawnee Indian chief who tried to unite all American Indians into a confederacy. He was killed while fighting as an ally of the British in the War of 1812.
First read the following questions.
85. Where is the article most likely from?
A.A text book.
B.A dictionary.
C.A magazine.
D.A biological book.
86. The purpose of the ad is to____.
A.introduce a kind of fruit
B.introduce a kind of hot drink
C.introduce a kind of cold drink
D.introduce a fashion
Now read Text H quickly and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Could anything
ever replace the taste
of good old grape
or apple juice?
How about raspberry?
Westvale Raspberry.
The exciting new drink that’s made from 100% pure raspberry juice. Not too tart,not too sweet ——it’s got the
taste that beats the others cold. And one can makes a whole litre. So pick up Westvale Raspberry from your grocer’s freezer and bring on the taste you’ve been missing. The honest-to-goodness taste of good old-fashioned raspberries.
First read the following questions.
87. Where can we find this kind of notice ?
A.In a college.
B.In a factory.
C.In a big pany.
D.In a primary school.
88. Where does professor Alice Strevens e from?
A.New York.
D.A Library.
Now skim the table below and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Speaker: Professor Alice Strevens
State University of New York - BuffaloDate:Thursday, 6 October
Time:10 a.m.Place:Rm. 435 Library Building
First read the following questions.
89. The function of the passage is____.
C.giving information
D.giving direction
90. The museum mentioned in the passage is a museum____.
A.of fine arts
B.which is open on public holidays
C.which doesn’t charge any admission fee
D.supported by the government financially
Now read Text J quickly and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
Admissions: Although the Museum of Fine Arts is a public museum, it is sustained not by government funds but by individual support. Membership subions, gifts, and admission charges sustain this outstanding cultural resource.
Hours: Tuesday, 10 to 9; Wednesday through Sunday, 10 to 5. Closed Monday,New Year’s Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, December 24, and December 25.
Weekly Events and Schedule Changes: Dial A-N-S-W-E-R-S (267 - 9377) for a recorded listing. For further information call the Museum at (617) 267 - 9300.
Parking: Available off Museum Road adjacent to the building.
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