[急!请懂得英文外贸函电知识的朋友帮帮偶!]Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound...+阅读
3、 特殊情况或与上级人员同行超出标准时需说明理由在发票上经签字批准后报销;
For exceptional case or traveling with the supervisor, a reason must be provided for the amount exceeding the standard, and may only be reimbursed after the invoice is signed with approval.
4、 各城市的协议酒店请参考附件“欧姆龙协议酒店一览表”。
Please see the annex Omron Contract Hotels Listing for hotels in each city.
The invoice and breakdown for expenses of lodging, phone, copying and transportation incurred during business travel should be provided for reimbursement.
各位朋友帮忙找找关于新年的英文小诗适合小学4年级学生的New Year This night of all the nights is the year's last. All, all the other nights are gone, are past... After the evening, with its fading light, put the lid...
英语好的朋友帮帮忙啊。。。英文日常用语有哪些建议你买本出国人员英语日常用语900句Potluck Party 一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,叁加的人必须带一道菜准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。▲Pull over!把车子开到旁边。▲...
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急请懂得英文外贸函电知识的朋友帮帮偶Risks other(than)All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borne by the buyer We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you(at)sound...
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