[六级考前9分钟网上泄题引高校学生热议]12月20日是大学四六级考试时间,开考前,考试题及答案居然在网上公布,海南参加考试的大学生们都感到非常郁闷,有人呼吁“四六级考试不考行不行”? 考前校园内有人卖“答案” 早在开...+阅读
Section A: Translate the following underlined part of the Chinese text into English
(原 文)
China will unswervingly observe the independent and peaceful foreign policy. It will continue to reinforce its solidarity and cooperation with the developing countries in the world and, together with them, to safeguard the just and reasonable rights of the developing countries. At the same time, we will be further mitted to stabilizing our peripheral areas
and to consolidating the harmonious friendship with our neighboring countries. We will also make continued efforts to enrich the implications of the framework of the future relations that he been established or that are being established with all the major countries of the world. We will take more positive steps to participate in international affairs and in various kinds of multilateral diplomatic activities. China will remain firm in its opposition to hegemonism, power politics and will endeor to promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fair, reasonable, equal and reciprocally beneficial.
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12月大学英语六级考试篇章听力原文2008年12月六级听力Passage 1原文 To find out what the weather is going to be, most people go straight to the radio, television, or newspaper to get an expert wea...
12月20日大学英语六级考试点点英语点评六级作文部分: 首先从话题来说,这是一个很经典而又具有常新性的话题,因为近年来,大学生的心理健康问题一直就是大家所关注的焦点,从马加爵事件到刘海洋泼熊事件再到大学生跳楼自...