Reanization of a Partnership 公司改组通知
1. We inform you that our business, which has been carried on most successfully for the last twenty years, will be turned into a limited pany on the 30th May; and from that date it will be continued under the firm-name of the P.P.N. Co.,Ltd.
2. We refer you to the enclosed circular announcing the reanization of the above firm, and would assure you that any mission with which you may four us will receive the same care and attention as in the past.
3. We are now a private Limited pany, and we shall be glad if you will in future make out remittances to us to H.E. & Co., Ltd.
4. After January 1st, our partnership will be dissolved and the business will be carried on at the same address, by H.O. and J.S. under the firm-name of O.& S.
5. I advise you that the business hitherto carried on in the name of J.M. & Co. will be continued under the style of James Morton & pany, Limited.
6. The business was most successfully converted into a Limited pany in October last, almost the whole of the shares offered being taken by customers, only a few remaining allotted.
7. We inform you of an alteration that is to take place in the name and copartnership of this firm on July 1st.
8. I acquaint you that in consequence of my hing taken into partnership with my nephew, C.H., the business of my establishment will henceforward be conducted under the firm of T.H. & Nephew.
9. We inform you that our business will be turned into a limited pany on February 1, and from that date will be continued under the name of Sankyo Co., Ltd.
10. Mr. Bills will continue to do business under the same style of Messrs. bills & Co., at the same address.
11. I he now to inform you that I shall in future carry on the business under the style of Wilson & Co., and I venture to hope that I may continue to enjoy the confidence which has been hitherto extended to Brwon & Co.
12. From the annexed circular you will observe that my partnership with Mr. R.T. was turned into a limited pany on the 31st July last, and the business will be carried on under the style of T. & M. Co., Lid. hereafter.
1、我公司在过去二十年里成就可观。现自5月30日起改组为股份有限公司,从该日起名称改为P. P. N. 股份有限公司继续营业。特此奉告。
3、目前我们为私人有限公司,今后如有汇款,请寄到H. E. 股份有限公司,则甚为感激。
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