

04月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考必备英语词汇 100分]这个高考必备词汇市面上有很多种,但是并不是全国通用的。每个省都有不同的范围,但主体基本一样。 首先,你要好好背单词。其实,你要把高中课本后面的词汇都记熟就差不多了。还有...+阅读




a (an) art.一(个、件……)able a.能够,有能力的be able to do sth能够做……【ability n.能力】about ad.大约,到处,四处prep.关于,在各处,四处above prep.在……上面a.上面的ad.在……之上abroad ad.到(在)国外absorb吸收/受absent a.缺席,不在(absence n.)

academica.学术的accent n.口音,音调accept vt.接受accident n.事故,意外的事according【to】按照,根据account n.账目,描述accurate a..准确无误的accuse v.指责,谴责,控告ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛achieve vt.达到,取得achievement n.成就across prep.横过,穿过act n.法令,条例v.表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事action n.行动active a.积极的,主动的activity n.活动actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual a.实际的,现实的AD n.公元ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告add vt.添加,增加【add to增加】【add…to把…….添加到】【add up加起来,合计】【add up to共计达】address n.地址v.在(信封、包裹等)上写名字、地址,演说(讲)administration n.管理,行政,施行,政府,内阁(任期)admire v.钦佩,羡慕admit vt.承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adult n.成年人advance v.推进,促进,前进【in advance在前面,预先,事先】advantage n.优点,好处adventure n.冒险,奇遇advertise vt.为……做广告advertisement n.广告alcohol n.one after another


新增词汇240个 A absence/absense absent abuse accommodation ache acid acre afterward(s) airplane alarm album ambassador amusement annual ant appointment arithmetic arrow ashamed aside astronomy atom automatic avenue B balloon bamboo banana barbecue barrier bat bathe bathtub beast blouse bonus boot brake brand bridegroom broken broom bunch C cage camel canteen carpenter carriage carrot cartoon cell centigrade chalk chef chemist chess circus claw cloudy collar comedy commit commitment consideration constitution construct correction counter courtyard crew cyclist D decoration delighted dentist dessert dictation disability disappointed dismiss doll dot drawer drill drum drunk E eagle Easter eggplant embassy enjoyable eyesight F fade faith fare finance file flashlight flexible fog frost G garlic giraffe golf graduation gram gratefull greengrocer guarantee guitar H ham hamburger harbo(u)r hen hike homeland I ice-cream idiom insert J jaw jazz K kangaroo kettle L lamb lemon lemonade lid literary lung M mat mess millimeter/millimeter mist moral moustache multiply O occupation opera oral outcome outgoing P pavement pepper postcode postman prayer preserve Q qualification R religious revision revolution S salad salesgirl salty sausage schoolboy/girl sew shopping sightseeing simplify sleeve sour spy steady steak straw strawberry string super swear sweat swell sword T tension thread throat thunder timetable toothbrush tough transform trial T—shirt U umcomfortable unwilling user V vase vehicle vest vital W wander warmth watermelon weekday whistle windy winner worm X X-ray Y yard yoghurt


求理工类职称英语词汇表重难点词组 1)动词词组根据其后的搭配又可分为①动+名;②动+介;③动+副; 2)后接动名词的固定搭配、形容词词组、易混词组 动词+名词形式 have/gain access to可以获得 gain/have...

怎样快速记住高中英语词汇必备3500词你好 其实作为学生记什么年份啊单词啊很头疼的,要孰能生巧,也要注意联想.希望对你能有所帮助 记忆单词最快、最牢的方法就是重复的有声读(包括汉语意思).分时间段的重复.例如每...

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高考英语高频词汇和短语或者新课标考纲词汇side by side 并排, 并肩 learn ... by heart 用心学习 combine ... with ... 与...结合 in that circumstances 如果是那样的话 replace ... with ... 用...代替... keep a...

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