[物化视图日志加不加INCLUDING NEW VALUES有什么影响]NEW VALUES Clause The NEW VALUES clause lets you determine whether Oracle Database saves both old and new values for update DML operations in the materialized v...+阅读
#include "stdio.h"
#define N 1000
main() //这里貌似少了void
{int i,j,t,k=0,a[N],s;
for(i=2;i {s=0; for(j=1;j<=i;j++)//这里应该是<;而不是<;=吧 if(i%j==0) {a[k++]=j; s=s+j; } if(i==s) {printf("%d is a wanshu,its factors are:\n",i); for(t=0;t printf("%d ",a[t]); printf("\n");//这里不应该有这个,应该去掉,后面也不能有 } } } 下面是我自己的代码你看看吧...#include void main() { int m,i,j,s; for(m=6;m<1000;m++) { s=m-1; for(i=2;i if(m%i==0) s=s-i; if(s==0) { printf("%d is a wanshu,its factors are:1\n",m); for(j=2;j if(m%j==0) printf("%d\n",j); printf("---------------------\n"); } } } 或者 #include void main() { int m,i,j,s; for(m=6;m<1000;m++) { s=1; for(i=2;i if(m%i==0) s=s+i; if(m==s) { printf("%d is a wanshu,its factors are:1\n",m); for(j=2;j if(m%j==0) printf("%d\n",j); printf("---------------------\n"); } } } 以下为关联文档: includer什么意思及同义词包括;包含: The farm includes 150 acres. 这个农场有150英亩。 There are 10 people including you. 包括你有10个人。 列入,计入: to include the freight in the account 将...