

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com


The Seattle Times pany is one newspaper firm that has recognized the need for change and done something about it. In the newspaper industry, papers must reflect the diversity of the munities for which they provide information. It must __1__ reflect that diversity with their news coverage or risk losing their readers’ interest and their advertisers’ support. Operating within Seattle, which has 20 percents racial minorities, the __2__ paper has put into place polices and procedures for hiring and maintain a diverse workforce. The underlying reason for __3__ the change is that for information to be fair, appropriate, and ubjective, it should be reported by the same kind of population __4__ that reads it.

A diversity mittee posed of reporters, editors, and photographers meets regularly to evaluate The Seattle Times’ __5__ content and to educate the rest of the newsroom staff about diversity issues. In an addition, the paper instituted a content __6__ audit that evaluates the frequency and manner of representation of woman and people of color in photographs. Early audits __7__ showed that minorities were pictured far too infrequently and were pictured with a disproportionate number of negative articles.

The audit results from improvement in the frequency of __8__ majority, representation and their portrayal in neutral or positive __9__ situations. And, with a result, The Seattle Times has improved __10__ as a newspaper. The diversity training and content audits helped

The Seattle Times pany to win the Personal Journal Optima’s Award for excellence in managing change.


1 将it改为they。


2 percents改为percent。在表示分数时,percent总是用单数.

3 将maintain改为maintaining。这里maintaining和hiring并列,并共同作介词for的宾语.

4 将subjective改为objective。根据上下文,此处应该表示 “客观的”之意.

5 将meets改为meet。mittee为集合名词,如果看作一个整体,谓语动词要用复数.

6 删除an。固定短语 in addition 作 “另外”解.

7 将woman改为women

8 将from改为in。result in 作 “导致引起”讲.

9 将majority改为minority

10 with改为as。固定搭配 as a result 作“因此,结果”讲.



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