

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

下降。轻轻地,不断。 “大的下降达辍学” ,这声音就是这样钟表的噪音,使了,但节奏似乎更快一些。邱予尊重,良好的图片在外地闪耀现在摆在我。在果园,苹果种植-岁,但充满活力,仍然是这样v igrous和有力的,分支机构众多的解呒嗷,这是叶只能由浅绿色变成深绿色。没有挑选水果接收到洗澡racily与邱迂,有更多的时间过多的肤色,挑起垂涎。路边,母亲菊花是在痛苦的混合灯盏细辛100郝基层集束轮下降到仅提出,单独云杉。


谣言pitter -模式,在继承顺耳,小狗的人也听到这个敦促冷pitter -急促,似乎。松鼠,外地老鼠,蚂蚁。 。 。 。 。 。的食物,铺设在休眠;青蛙,蛇。 。 。 。 。 。接收冬天睡在conserce实力和储存能量。裘余,仔细倾听来,像一个美丽的和愉快的交响乐。雨是主张实现;风陪同;叶花是在唱歌和舞蹈欢快优雅。雨,仍在下降,另一程度的仇与pesters挥之不去的持续,小麦播种散发的温情和爱通过眼睛,绿色领域展开了广泛的开放伟大画卷来falling. Gently, continuously. "Da of drop Da drop " , this sound is like that horological the noise that give out, but rhythm appears some faster. respecting Qiu Yu, that good picture in field shines now before my. In the orchard, the apple is cultivated -- old but vigorous, still be so vigrous and forceful, branch numerous Xie Mao, it is leaf only by shallow green bee deep green. Did not pick the fruit that receive to take a bath racily with Qiu Yu, more time excessive colour, provoking covet. roadside, mother chrysanthemum is mixed in bitter fleabane Hao of 100 grass cluster round fall to be put alone, alone spruce. The bud that be in bud is just as all over the sky astral dot scatters; The bud that be in bud, the girl of be ashamed resembling charming beautifuls and laugh; The flower that opens eagerly once autumn rain ablution all the more charming is soft, brilliant, faint scent, inviting. Awaiting people to admire, enjoy their scent. Wind photograph acpanies Qiu Yuqiu. mon saying says: A Qiu Yu cold, wild flower weed sways in rain of autumn wind autumn, the leaf makes sound in the rustle in rain of autumn wind autumn, the leaf that fizzled out then is in rain of autumn wind autumn be born of floating in the air, annual autumn be about to we left. rumour pitter-patter, in succession pleasant to hear, puppy people also heard this to urge cold pitter-patter it seems that. Squirrel, field mice, ant. . . . . . The food that laying in hibernate; Frog, snake. . . . . . Receiving winter sleep in conserce strength and store up energy. Qiu Yu, listen carefully e, be like a beautiful and pleasant symphony. Rain is advocate achieve; Wind acpanying; Leaf flower is in sing merrily and dance gracefully. rain, still falling, another degree of Qiu Yu pesters lingering continous, wheat seeding exuding tenderness and love through eyes, a of green field spread out opens an extensive great picture scroll e. . . . . .



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