[2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时43天]The Guidford Four, freed last week after spending 15 years in prison for crimes they did not mit, would almost certainly he been executed for the pub bombing th...+阅读
大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。符合大学英语六级考试报名条件的人员包括:全日制普通高校专科、本科和研究生中的在校生;另外,本校已设六级考点,原则上不得跨校考试。大学英语六级考试是一项大规模标准化考试,这种考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试(criterion-related norm-referenced test),即以教学大纲为考试的依据,但同时又反映考生总体的正态分布情况。
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时34天Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can he an ill effect on people's physical or psychological health. What are positive ions...
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时28天The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may scar a child...
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时27天Fresh water life itself, has never e easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament(旧约圣经) God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supp...
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时47天There were inns throughout the ancient civilized world, strategically placed to acmodate merchants, military personnel, government officials and others whose wo...
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时38天As you all know, the United States is a country on wheels. Nearly eight million new cars are made each year; four households out of five own at least one ear, a...
2008年12月大学六级英语阅读精解倒计时51天The central idea of cell phones is that you should be connected to almost everyone and everything at all times.The trouble is that cell phones assault your peac...
如何精听托福听力中的长段子如何精听托福听力中的长段子: 首先,就是全段的听,一边用笔记下关键的词,不一定要完整的,记不要妨碍听,也就是全力听,一边听,手空出来,记下关键的单词,以听完后,提醒自己,不要管单词是否...
英语六级听力怎么办建议方法:MP4里常备一些听力真题段子,每晚睡觉前听听就行。权当催眠,这其实是帮你熟悉考试的听力环境 培养你的语感 总之不管你多么忙,每天都要保持半个小时的听力。这样考试就...