[应届生求职面试的一些问题]我也是马上毕业,从第一次面试的无比紧张,到现在处之泰然,几乎没花多长时间。相信你很快也一样了,面的多了,真的一点感觉都没有了。 进入正题吧,嘿嘿。简历呢,用文件夹装吧。文具店...+阅读
1 What is your favorite subject?Why?
My favorit subject is Oral English, because i like doing practical things, and communicating with people around me.
2 What do think of your school?Please describe it.
My school is quite an excellent school, and i enjoy the years i spent there. it not only taught students professional knowledge, but more importantly, it emphasize the importance of practice, providing us with a lot of opportunities to use things we learned from books.
3 Would you please give a brief introduction of your family?
uh, there are 3 members in my family, my mom,dad,and me. we have a democratic atmosphere at home. my parents respect my individual dicisions very much, and they just analyse possible results of my dicision,and help me to do right things. correspondingly, i respect them, too. i think we are a happy family.
4 How do you find your English teacher ?
i always discuss something with her\him by Email, but when i need to find her\him soon, i wil call her,and we will make an appointment to meet.
5 Can you tell us something about your English teacher?
she is a cordial person. and more importantly, i think she is quite scholarly. she is so knowledgeable in her field that i have a feeling of admiration to her.
1、to have a feast
2、the needs of modern society
3、i didn't think English was important then, but now, i do.
4、because it keep my heart peaceful
5、Qinghua,because it is recognized by everyone.
6、movie channel
7、to be\become a nurse
8、because it raised me
1、Summary of your career/previous work experience .
2、Short and long term career goals
3、Why do you want to quit your current job?
4、Why have you applied to this organization?
5、Why do you want to work for this organization?
6、How are your skills,qualifications , and experience suitable for this job?
7、What do you know about the job that you have applied for?
8、Tell us something about yourself.
9、What impresses you about this company?
10、What kinds of responsibilities or tasks motivate you一he most?
12、What do think you like the least about this field?
13、What has been your greatest challenge?
14、What are your three strong points and what are your three weak nesses?
What is your job title(工作职位)?
What level(级别) is your job with in the company? How many main levels of positions are there at your company?
What kind of business is your company in?
Which company do you work for?
Who do you work for?
Where do you work?
I work for...
I'm employed at...
What's your occupation?
What's your title?
What do you do for aliving?
I'm a ...I work in...
What kind of business are you in?
What does your company do?
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