

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[成绩单英文翻译中的几个词一定要够专业啊!最好是有学校模]Transcript Records for Undergraduates Total credits for graduation Acquired credits Including Compulsory courses Elective courses Public elective courses Practi...+阅读

Note: results of 1 examinations ( including road pass over pass) and the examination result qualified, fill in the exam (examination ) fail or not qualified to be a make-up exam, after filling, and annotated " make-up ".In 2 subjects of the examination, fill in the grade; the subjects of the examination, fill out the school grades ( percent ).3 course will only remember the qualified or unqualified; Elective Elective Elective and not only record, with "√" said, " X " indicates not elective....


外出留学需要的成绩单是什么以美国为例: 1、标准化考试 目前申请美国高中,学校普遍 要求提供TOEFL和SSAT。 2、学术成绩 即在校成绩单,是体现学生学术能力的直观材料,也是重要申请材料之一。美国申请一般需...

请问能不能帮我翻译下大学英语各科成绩单听力部分: 听力的分值比例将由原来的20%提升到35%:短对话部分由原来的10题减至8题,共8分;增加了两篇长对话,出题模式类似于现行托福考试中听力Part B,每篇3至4题,共7题,分值比例7%,;段...

求高手帮忙!大学成绩单的英语翻译Student ID Name Enrollment year Training level: Undergraduate Departments Professional College Students Mental Health Situation and Policy Sports Computer Appli...


多久能收到雅思的成绩单收到雅思的成绩单的时间具体如下: 正常完成笔试、口试所有科目及如期参加现场照相的考生成绩单在笔试考试日期后第10个工作日以EMS国内快递寄出后,通常需要2到3个工作日送达考...

雅思成绩单编号:雅思成绩单上有哪些东西1、参加的雅思考试类型 2、考试中心代码、考试日期、考号 3、 考生的姓名、照片、性别、身份证号、出生日期 4、 考生的母语 5、 考生上次参加IELTS考试的时间和地点(如果您...

求澳洲留学高中成绩中英文单模板求澳洲留学高中成绩中英文单模板,急需一份加拿大留学的高中初中成绩单模版!Sichuan Chengdu The Seventeenth Middle School Senior High School Report (2007-2010) November...

英语提高成绩怎么翻译英语提高成绩怎么翻译,英语提高:提高 to lift; to raise; to heighten; to enhance; to increase; to improve; to advance 成绩 results (of work or study); achievements;...

大学成绩单翻译大家帮帮忙急!大学成绩单翻译大家帮帮忙急!2009-2010 school year the first semester Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis Fundamentals of Computer Culture Health edu...
