

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[商务英语会话中常见的句子和短语]Excuse me, but aren't you Mr. Smith from America? Here's my card / name card / business card. We've been looking forward to meeting you. I'm delighted to meet y...+阅读




道I really appreciate that.

I could not have done it without you.

Thank you very much.

You are my angel.

You are a great help.

I am so grateful for your help.

No word can express my gratitude.

You are such a nice guy.

Noboday can do a better job than you.

I will never forget your help.

Thank you for your helping hand.

You are my life saver.


1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.

2. 秋天时叶子变黄。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.

3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.

4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The trees were naked during autumn.

5. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。

There is a breath of autumn in the air today.

6. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。

The weather in September was positively autumnal.

7. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves.

8. 我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


1 You did a great(/good) job. 干得不错 也可以简化为great/good job2 You really impress me.你让我印象深刻3 You're amazing. 你真了不起4 You're really cool. 你真酷5 I admire you. 我佩服你。6 You are a number one. 你是第一流的。7 You are tops. 你是最好的8 Excellent!9 Wonderful!10 You're great / terrific. 你好棒/好厉害。11 incredible!12 Well done!13 Nice going!好样的,下同14 Good going!15 You were great!可以在形容词前加上u r,或者去掉已经有的u r之类,楼主怎么顺口怎么来吧^_^...


英语口语句子——赞美1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】 2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】 3. we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。...

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意思为解决的英语短语或单词意思为”解决“的英语单词有:solve,resolve,settle,work out,figure out. solve [sɔlv,sɔ:lv] vt.解决;解答;溶解 vi. [过去式solved 过去分词solved 现在分词solving ] resol...

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