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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

练习4. 戎夷

*戎夷离开齐国到鲁国去。碰上天气酷寒,在鲁国城门关闭后才赶到城边,只好跟他的一个门徒在城外露天过夜。夜晚,天气越来越冷。戎夷便对那个门徒说:“您把衣给我穿,我就会活下来,我把衣给您穿,您就会活下来。我是治理国家的杰出人才,为了普天下的利益而爱惜自己的生命;您,是一个普通人,不必吝惜自己的生命,您把您的衣给我吧。”门徒说:“我这平庸的人,又怎能慷慨地把衣给您这个杰出的人穿呢?” 戎夷听了,叹息说:“唉,我的主张看来不能实现了!”说完,便把身上的衣脱下来给门徒穿。到了半夜,自己冻死了,却救活了这个门徒。说戎夷能够把一个时代治理好,那还没有证明;但是,他那想有利于人类的思想,算是达到不能再高的程度了!


* 离开……到……lee…for…

*齐国: Qi; the State of Qi

*碰上:遇上 it happens that

*城门:city gate


*在……后才: did not …until after

*He did not arrive/make it until after the city gate of the State of Lu was tightly shut.

*The city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut before he arrived.

*When he arrived, the city gate of the State of Lu was already tightly shut.


*只好:he to, he no alternative but to

*门徒: disciple; follower; pupil, adherent

* 在露天过夜:stay for / spend the night in the open air

*Rong Yi left the State of Qi for the State of Lu. It happened to be a cold day, and he did not get there until the gate of the State of Lu was already tight-shut. He had to spend the night in the open air outside the city with one of his disciples/a disciple of his.

*One day Rong Yi and his disciple left Qi (a prince state) for Lu (another prince state). As the intense cold made the journey very difficult, they did not make it there until the gate of Lu was already tight-shut. They had to stay in the open air outside the city for the night.



*越来越: more and more; increasingly, grow

*(1) As the night advanced and as it turned colder and colder, Rong Yi said to his disciple,

*(2) As the cold grew more intense deep into the night, Rong Yi made a suggestion to his disciple.


* 汉语中经常省略连接词,英文不能省掉,译成英语时必须将汉语中省掉的连词 if 补上。

*“If you give your clothes to me, I will (be able to ) survive the cold, and vice versa.


*治理:govern;administer;manage; rule; bring under control; put in order

*国家:country, state, nation; state affairs


*人才:talent; a talented person; people of talent, man of talent

*普天下:the whole country

*爱惜:treasure; cherish; love


*I’m bound to be a brilliant talent who can administer state affairs someday, and for the benefit of (for the sake of) the whole nation, I must treasure my life (I must not die).


*不必: need not; do not he to; not necessarily, there is no need to

*吝惜: treasure; cherish

*I’m a man of brilliant talent who will attend state affairs in the future while you are a man of ordinary kind, so there is no need for you to treasure your life. Would you kindly give me your clothes, please?”



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