L. Censorship
For :
1. it is for the good of society
2. it protects children
3. every society has some form of censorship
4. the individual is less important than the munity
5. absolute freedom leads to anarchy
6. many adults are not mature enough to make their own decisions
7. it can be carried out wisely
8. pornography is not art
9. pornography is in the hands of unscrupulous people
10.obscene works should be banned
11.it is necessary in times of war
Against :
1. it limits the individual' s freedom and human rights
2. it is not consistent with democracy
3. it is subjective and not objective
4. it creates the problem of who will censor
5. it is disappearing in advanced countries
6. it deprives adults of their right to make decisions
7. it can be applied to all aspects of our lives
8. it is the first step toward totalitarianism
9. it draws attention to banned works and increases sales
10.voluntary censorship is better M. Equality Of the Sexes
For :
1. we all he the same Creator
2. matriarchal societies go back thousands of years
3. all advanced societies he given women equal rights
4. most panies he adopted equal pay for equal work
5. there are no skills women cannot master
6. there are even women body builders
7. men he a basic inferiority plex
8. women are more interested in peace than men
9. some world leaders are women (e.g., Margaret Thatcher )
10.women are superior to men in some fields
11.no scientific studies back up the stereotypes men he of women
Against :
1. women he a different biological function
2. women are physically weaker than men
3. women can' t be mothers and career women at the same time
4. many women want to depend on men
5. most women want to stay at home and be mothers
6. women hen' t been given the vote in some countries
7. women are emotional and irrational
8. women think intuitively (no famous women philosophers)
9. hormones cause women to behe differently
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