

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. s d regions ==>源漏区

2. s type characteristic ==>s型特性曲线

3. s/n ratio ==>随机杂波信杂比

4. safe area ==>画格

5. safe load ==>安全负载

6. safe operating area ==>安全工作域

7. safeguarding ==>安全措施

8. safety ==>安全性

9. safety barrier ==>安全势垒

10. safety belt ==>安全带

11. safety control ==>安全控制

12. safety criterion ==>安全准则

13. safety curve ==>安全曲线

14. safety device ==>保安装置

15. safety factor ==>安全率,安全系数

16. safety factor for dropout ==>回动可靠系数

17. safety factor for holding ==>吸持可靠系数

18. safety factor for pick up ==>始动可靠系数

19. safety factor of insulation ==>绝缘可靠系数

20. safety firstengineering ==>安全技术

21. safety fuse ==>安全熔断器

22. safety gap ==>安全间隙

23. safety margin ==>安全裕度

24. safety plug ==>安全塞

25. safety rope ==>安全绳

26. safety rules ==>安全规程

27. safety signal ==>安全信号

28. safety split pin ==>安全开尾销

29. safety switch ==>安全开关

30. safety technique ==>安全技术

31. safety valve ==>安全阀

32. sag ==>弛度,自对准栅

33. sagmos ==>自对准栅金属氧化物半导体

34. Sakae Yamamura ==>山村昌(1918-2005),直线电机解析理论创始人,著有"Theory of Linear Induction Motors"。晚年提出螺旋矢量理论,著有"Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and Machines"。

35. sal ammoniac cell ==>氯化氨电池

36. salicide ==>自对准多晶硅化物

37. salient pole ==>凸极

38. salient pole generator ==>凸极发电机

39. salient pole machine ==>凸极电机

40. salient pole rotor ==>凸极转子

41. saline ==>盐水,含盐的

42. saline fume pollution ==>盐雾污染

43. saline solution ==>盐溶液

44. salt ==>盐

45. salt mist resistant ==>防盐性,耐盐雾

46. salt resistive insulator ==>耐盐绝缘子

47. salt spray fog corrosion ==>盐雾腐蚀

48. salt spray test ==>盐雾[腐蚀]试验

49. sam ==>扫描式俄歇微型探针

50. samnos transistor ==>自对准金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管

51. sample ==>取样,样品

52. sample drawn ==>抽样

53. sample heat exchanger ==>样品热交换器

54. sample hold circuit ==>取样保持电路

55. sample importance function ==>取样价值函数

56. sample in measurement ==>样品测量

57. sample interval ==>采样时间间隔

58. sample irradiation hole ==>样品照射孔

59. sample line ==>取样管线

60. sample program ==>抽样程序

61. sample room ==>样品室

62. sample sink ==>样品槽

63. sample space ==>取样空间

64. sample standard deviation ==>样板标准差

65. sample strength ==>样品强度

66. sample survey ==>抽样检查

67. sample taker ==>取样器

68. sample tap ==>取样口

69. sample wafer ==>样片

70. sampled data ==>取样数据

71. sampled data control system ==>抽样数据控制系统

72. sampler ==>采样器

73. sampling ==>采样,取样

74. sampling action ==>采样,取样

75. sampling analyzer panel ==>取样分析仪表盘

76. sampling and decontamination rooms ==>取样及去污室

77. sampling aperture ==>取样孔

78. sampling apparatus ==>采样装置

79. sampling area ==>取样区

80. sampling bag ==>采样袋

81. sampling bench ==>取样台

82. sampling by electrostatic precipitation ==>静电集尘法采样

83. sampling by filtration ==>过滤采样

84. sampling cabi ==>取样箱

85. sampling circuit ==>采样电路

86. sampling cooler ==>取样冷却器

87. sampling distribution ==>采样分布

88. sampling element ==>采样元件

89. sampling facility ==>采样器

90. sampling fraction ==>取样率

91. sampling frequency ==>采样周期

92. sampling function ==>采样函数

93. sampling hole ==>测孔

94. sampling inspection ==>抽样检查

95. sampling instant ==>采样时间

96. sampling instrument ==>取样器

97. sampling interval ==>采样间隔

98. sampling interval time ==>取样间隔时间

99. sampling line ==>取样管线

100. sampling method ==>取样统计法

101. sampling work ==>信号取样网络

102. sampling nozzle ==>取样头

103. sampling observation ==>取样检查

104. sampling of aerosol ==>气溶胶采样

105. sampling oscilloscope ==>取样示波器

106. sampling parametric putation ==>采样

107. sampling period ==>采样周期,抽样周期

108. sampling point ==>采样点

109. sampling port ==>采样口

110. sampling probe ==>采样探头

111. sampling process ==>采样过程

112. sampling process value ==>采样过程数值

113. sampling program ==>采样程序

114. sampling pulse ==>抽样脉冲

115. sampling servomechanism ==>采样伺服机构

116. sampling servosystem ==>采样伺服系统

117. sampling sink ==>取样水槽

118. sampling site ==>采样点

119. sampling spoon ==>取样环刀

120. sampling station ==>采样站,监测站

121. sampling system ==>采样系统

122. sampling technique ==>采样技术

123. sampling test ==>取样试验,抽样试验

124. sampling theorem ==>采样原则,抽样定理,采样定理

125. sampling theorem in the frequency domain ==>频域采样定理

126. sampling theory ==>采样理论,抽样理论

127. sampling thief ==>采样器

128. sampling time ==>采样时间

129. sampling turntable ==>取样转盘

130. sampling unit ==>采样单元

131. sampling valve ==>采样阀

132. sampling waste ==>采样废水

133. sampling well ==>取样井

134. sand ==>砂

135. sand blast ==>喷砂装置

136. sandblaster ==>喷砂装置

137. sandblasting ==>喷砂

138. sandwich arrangement ==>层叠布置

139. sandwich construction ==>夹层结构

140. sandwich structure ==>夹层结构

141. sandwich winding ==>交错多层形线组

142. sandwiched film ==>多层薄膜

143. sapphire ==>蓝宝石

144. sapphire dielectric isolation ==>蓝宝石介质隔离

145. sapphire microprocessor ==>蓝宝石上硅结构微处理机

146. SAS, Substation Automation System ==>变电站自动化系统

147. sasfet ==>自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管

148. satellite ==>卫星

149. satellite assisted munication ==>人造卫星通信

150. satellite broadcasting ==>人造卫星广播

151. satellite munication ==>卫星通信

152. satellite munication antenna ==>卫星通信天线

153. satellite data transmission ==>卫星数据传输

154. satellite ground station ==>人造卫星地面站

155. satellite image ==>卫星传送图像

156. satellite link ==>卫星通信线路

157. satellite ranging ==>卫星测距

158. satellite relay ==>卫星中继器

159. satellite television ==>卫星电视

160. satellite tracking ==>卫星跟踪

161. satellite tracking station ==>卫星跟踪站

162. satellite transmission ==>卫星传送

163. saticon ==>塞蒂康视象管

164. sato process ==>自对准厚氧化膜工艺

165. saturable core ==>饱和铁心,饱和铁芯

166. saturable reactor ==>饱和电抗器

167. saturable transformator ==>饱和变压器

168. saturated core ==>饱和铁芯

169. saturated gain ==>饱和增益

170. saturated solution ==>饱和溶液

171. saturated standard cell ==>饱和标准电池

172. saturated steam ==>饱和蒸汽

173. saturated vapor ==>饱和蒸气

174. saturation ==>饱和

175. saturation area ==>饱和区

176. saturation characteristic ==>饱和特性

177. saturation coefficient ==>饱和系数

178. saturation coil ==>饱和线圈

179. saturation condition ==>饱和状态

180. saturation constraint ==>饱和限制

181. saturation current ==>饱和电流

182. saturation curve ==>饱和曲线

183. saturation deficit ==>饱和差

184. saturation degree ==>饱和度

185. saturation factor ==>饱和率,饱和系数

186. saturation gain ==>饱和增益

187. saturation induction ==>饱和感应

188. saturation level ==>饱和度

189. saturation limit ==>饱和极限

190. saturation magic circuit ==>饱和磁路

191. saturation magic flux intensity ==>饱和磁通密度

192. saturation magic induction ==>饱和磁感应

193. saturation magization ==>饱和磁化

194. saturation mode ==>饱和状态

195. saturation of excitation system ==>励磁系统的饱和

196. saturation of iron ==>铁芯饱和

197. saturation of photo electric current ==>光电流饱和

198. saturation of pole ==>磁极饱和

199. saturation of the molecular transitions ==>分子跃迁饱和

200. saturation of the population inversion ==>反转粒子数饱和

201. saturation point ==>饱和点

202. saturation region ==>饱和区,饱和区域

203. saturation resistance ==>饱和电阻

204. saturation state ==>饱和状态

205. saturation value ==>饱和值

206. saturation voltage ==>饱和电压

207. Sart, F.Sart ==>1791-1841,萨伐尔,法国科学家

208. saw ==>表面声波,锯

209. saw amplifier ==>表面声波放大器

210. saw blade ==>锯齿

211. saw device ==>表面声波装置

212. saw tooth generator ==>锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器

213. saw tooth oscillator ==>锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器

214. saw tooth voltage ==>锯齿形电压

215. saw trace ==>锯痕

216. sawing ==>锯割

217. sawtooth current ==>锯齿波形电流,锯齿电流

218. sawtooth electromotive force ==>锯齿形电动势

219. sawtooth generator ==>锯齿波发生器

220. sawtooth pulse ==>锯齿形脉冲,锯齿波脉冲

221. sawtooth we ==>锯齿形波

222. sb fet ==>肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管

223. sbar mag ==>条形磁铁

224. sbc ==>标准埋层集极

225. sbc technique ==>标准隐埋集电极技术

226. sbmos ==>肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体

227. sc ==>半导体

228. SC, series pensation ==>串补,串联补偿

229. SCADA, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ==>监控及数据采集系统,变电站控制监视系统

230. scalar ==>标量

231. scalar product ==>标积

232. scalar quantity ==>标量

233. scale ==>标度,比例尺,标度

234. scale division ==>刻度

235. scale factor ==>换算因数,标度系数,标度因子

236. scale length ==>刻度长度

237. scale mark ==>刻度

238. scale of ten circuit ==>十进数计数器

239. scale of two circuit ==>二进制计数器

240. scale range ==>刻度范围

241. scale shape ==>刻度形状

242. scale spacing ==>刻度间距

243. scale zero ==>零标度

244. scaled down lithography ==>按比例缩小光刻技术

245. scaled geometry ==>按比例缩小的几何尺寸

246. scaled integrated circuit ==>按比例缩小的集成电路


scaled isoplanar ==>按比例缩小绝缘分离技术

248. scaled mos ==>按比例缩小的金属氧化物半导体

249. scaled process ==>按比列缩小集成电路工艺

250. scaled representation ==>比列图像显示

251. scaler ==>计数器,计数电路

252. scaling ==>按比例缩小

253. scaling circuit ==>计数电路

254. scaling down ==>按比例缩小

255. scaling factor ==>换算因数

256. scaling law ==>比例缩小规则

257. scaling parameter ==>换算因数

258. scaling ratio ==>换算因数

259. scan ==>扫描

260. scan converter device ==>扫描变换装置

261. scan generator ==>扫描振荡器

262. scan linearity ==>扫描直线性

263. scanistor ==>固体扫描器

264. scanned picture ==>扫描图象

265. scanner ==>扫描器

266. scanning ==>扫描

267. scanning amplifier ==>扫描放大器

268. scanning auger microanalysis ==>扫描式俄歇微量分析

269. scanning auger microprobe ==>扫描式俄歇微型探针

270. scanning beam ==>扫描射束

271. scanning cycle ==>扫描周期

272. scanning device ==>扫描器

273. scanning direction ==>扫描方向

274. scanning electron beam ==>扫描电子束

275. scanning electron beam lithography ==>扫描式电子束刻蚀

276. scanning electron micrograph ==>扫描式电子显微照片

277. scanning electron microscope ==>扫描电子显微镜

278. scanning frequency ==>扫描频率

279. scanning generator ==>扫描振荡器

280. scanning laser acoustic microscope ==>扫描式激光声学显微镜

281. scanning ling ==>扫描线

282. scanning of laser directivity diagram ==>激光方向性图扫描

283. scanning pattern ==>扫描图形

284. scanning projection printing ==>扫描式投影曝光

285. scanning speed ==>扫描速度

286. scanning spot ==>扫描点

287. scanning stage ==>扫描级

288. scanning standard ==>扫描标准

289. scanning system ==>扫描方式

290. scanning transmission electron microscope ==>扫描透射电子显微镜

291. scanning tunneling microscope ==>扫描式隧道显微镜

292. scanning velocity ==>扫描速度

293. scanning voltage ==>扫描电压

294. scarlet ==>深红色的

295. scat ==>肖特基单元阵列技术

296. scatter propagation ==>散射传播

297. scattered ==>散射的

298. scattered beam ==>散射束

299. scattered light ==>散射光

300. scattered particle ==>散射粒子

301. scattered power ==>散射功率

302. scattered radiation ==>散射辐射

303. scattered rays ==>散射线

304. scattered x rays ==>散射x射线

305. scattering ==>频散

306. scattering angle ==>散射角

307. scattering coefficient ==>散射系数

308. scattering cross section ==>散射截面

309. scattering loss ==>散射损耗

310. sccd ==>表面电荷耦合装置

311. schedule ==>负载图表

312. schedule speed ==>表定速率

313. scheduled maintenance ==>计划维修

314. scheduling coordinator ==>An entity certified by an ISO or RTO for the purpose of undertaking scheduling functions.

315. schematic diagram ==>原理图

316. scherbius machine ==>谢尔比斯电机

317. scherbius phase advancer ==>谢尔比斯进相机

318. scherbius speed control ==>谢尔比斯速度控制

319. scherbius system ==>谢尔比斯方式

320. schering bridge ==>沃电桥

321. schmitt trigger ==>施密特触发器

322. schot effect ==>散粒效应

323. schottky barrier ==>肖特基势垒

324. schottky barrier gate ==>肖特基势垒栅

325. schottky barrier gate fet ==>肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管

326. schottky barrier mos ==>肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体

327. schottky barrier photodiode ==>肖特基势垒光电二极管

328. schottky cell array technology ==>肖特基单元阵列技术

329. schottky clamp diode ==>肖特基钳位二极管

330. schottky clamped transistor ==>肖特基钳位晶体管

331. schottky defect ==>肖特基缺陷

332. schottky diode ==>肖特基势垒二极管

333. schottky diode fet ==>肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管

334. schottky disorder ==>肖特基缺陷

335. schottky effect ==>肖特基效应,肖脱基效应

336. schottky electrode ==>肖特基势垒栅

337. schottky gate fet ==>肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管

338. schottky gate metallization ==>肖特基栅金属化

339. schottky interface ==>肖特基界面

340. schottky noise ==>肖特基噪声

341. schottky transistor ==>肖特基晶体管

342. schottky transistor transistor logic ==>肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑

343. schottky ttl gate ==>肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑门

344. schottky vacancy ==>肖特基缺陷

345. schrage motor ==>施拉电动机

346. science ==>科学

347. scientific misconduct ==>学术不端行为

348. scintilation counter ==>闪烁计数器

349. scintillation ==>闪烁

350. scintillation detector ==>闪烁检测器

351. scintillation spectrometer ==>闪烁谱仪

352. scintillator ==>闪烁体

353. scissors ==>剪刀

354. SCMS ==>稳定控制集中管理系统

355. scope ==>范围,动作域

356. score line ==>划线

357. scored slice ==>伤痕薄片

358. scott connection ==>斯柯特接线法

359. scr ==>可控硅整流

360. SCR, selection catalytic reduction process ==>(脱硝装置的)SCR法

361. scram ==>急停

362. scrambler ==>倒频器

363. scratch ==>条痕

364. scratch pad storage ==>超高速暂时存贮器

365. scratching noise ==>唱针噪声

366. screen ==>屏幕

367. screen burning ==>萤光屏烧毁

368. screen grid ==>帘栅极

369. screen grid current ==>帘栅极电流

370. screen grid voltage ==>帘栅极电压

371. screen mask ==>印网掩模

372. screen printable paste ==>丝网漏印用膏

373. screen printer ==>丝网漏印机

374. screen printing ==>网印

375. screen printing stencil ==>丝网漏印模板

376. screen size ==>筛号

377. screenable resist ==>丝网漏印用光刻胶

378. screened cable ==>屏蔽电缆

379. screened conductor ==>丝网印制导体

380. screened on resistor ==>丝网印制电阻器

381. screened pentode ==>高频五极管

382. screened solder mask ==>丝网印制钎焊掩模

383. screened wire ==>屏蔽线

384. screening ==>屏蔽

385. screening box ==>屏蔽箱

386. screening burn in ==>取样老炼

387. screening effect ==>屏蔽效应

388. screening factor ==>屏蔽率

389. screening test ==>筛选检验

390. screening turn ==>屏蔽线匝

391. screw ==>螺旋

392. screw base ==>螺丝灯座

393. screw bolt ==>螺栓

394. screw cap ==>螺丝灯座

395. screw dislocation ==>螺旋位错

396. screw driver ==>螺丝刀

397. screw plug fuse ==>螺塞熔断器

398. screw socket ==>爱迪生灯泡头

399. screw terminal ==>螺旋式接线柱

400. scribe line definition ==>划线图案形成

401. scribed line ==>划线

402. scriber ==>划线器

403. scribing ==>划线

404. scribing system ==>划线器

405. scrren grid tube ==>帘栅管

406. scrubber ==>洗涤器

407. scrubbing ==>洗涤

408. sct ==>表面电荷晶体管

409. scum ==>浮渣

410. sdfet ==>肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管

411. SDSR, security region to guarantee small disturbance stability ==>保证小扰动稳定性的安全域

412. sea clutter ==>海面杂乱回波

413. sea returns ==>海面反射信号

414. sea thermal power station ==>海洋温差发电厂

415. sea water corrosion ==>海水腐蚀

416. sea water level and depth ==>海水水位和深度

417. sea water pump ==>海水泵

418. sea water supply ==>海水供给

419. sea we power station ==>海浪发电厂

420. seal ==>密封

421. seal in coil ==>制动线圈

422. seal-in relay ==>自保持继电器

423. seal-in relays ==>自保持继电保护,密封继电器保护装置

424. seal soldering ==>密封焊接

425. seal water ==>轴封水

426. seal water booster pump ==>轴封水升压泵

427. seal water filter ==>轴封水过滤器

428. seal water heat exchanger ==>轴封水冷却器

429. seal water injection filter ==>轴封注水过滤器

430. seal water leakoff pump ==>轴封水引漏泵

431. seal water pipe ==>水封管

432. seal water pump ==>轴封水泵

433. seal water reflux filter ==>轴封水回流过滤器

434. seal water system ==>轴封水系统

435. seal water tank ==>水封水箱

436. seal weld ==>密封焊缝,密闭焊

437. seal welding ==>密封焊接

438. sealant ==>密封膏

439. sealed chamber ==>密封室

440. sealed diode ==>封装的二极管

441. sealed end ==>密封端

442. sealed hybrid ==>封装的混合集成电路

443. sealed laser ==>密封激光器

444. sealed motor ==>密封式电动机

445. sealer ==>密封器

446. sealing ==>密封

447. sealing pound ==>封口胶,封口膏

448. sealing current ==>保持电流

449. sealing end ==>电缆端

450. sealing gas ==>密封气体

451. sealing glass ==>封接玻璃

452. sealing layer ==>密封层

453. sealing preform ==>密封用塑扭塑

454. sealing ring ==>密封圈,密封环

455. sealing schedule ==>密封程序

456. sealing washer ==>密封圈

457. sealing wax ==>封蜡

458. seam ==>缝

459. seam welding ==>缝焊

460. seamless ==>无缝的

461. seamless pipe ==>无缝管

462. seamless steel pipe ==>无缝钢管

463. seamless steel tube ==>无缝钢管

464. seamless tube ==>无缝管

465. seams ==>The boundaries between adjacent electricity-related anizations. Difference in regulatory requirements or operating practices may create "seams problems."

466. search ==>搜索

467. search angle ==>探测角

468. search coil ==>探测线圈

469. search light ==>探照灯

470. search mode ==>搜私式

471. search radar ==>搜俗达

472. seasonal cracking ==>季节性破裂

473. seasonal diversity ==>季节性(负载)差异

474. seasonal effect ==>季节影响

475. seasonal factor ==>季节因素

476. seasonal power ==>季节电功率

477. seasonal rate schedule ==>季节价目制

478. seasonal tariff ==>季节性电费率

479. seasonal variation ==>季节变动

480. seasoning ==>老化

481. sebl ==>扫描式电子束刻蚀

482. secam system ==>secam制彩色电视方式

483. secant ==>正割

484. secohmmeter ==>电感表

485. second ==>秒

486. second generation puter ==>第二代计算机

487. second order lag element ==>二次延迟元件

488. second order system ==>二次系统

489. secondaly side ==>二次侧

490. secondary ==>二次的

491. secondary battery ==>二次电池

492. secondary burden ==>次级负载

493. secondary cell ==>二次电池

494. seconda



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




电气及半导体词汇词典M11. m n contours ==>mn轨迹 2. m type backward we tube ==>m型返波振荡管 3. m type tube ==>m型电子管 4. m type twt ==>m型行波管 5. Mach angle ==>马赫角 6. Mach con...

专有名称翻译大词典名片英语大络版1.英语姓名结构 英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名(中名)+姓。如 Gee Walker Bush (中译:乔治o沃克o布什)。 Gee 是教名(Given Name),按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候...

“无聊”新表达Meh进入词典'Meh': new word for indifference enters English dictionary "Meh", a word which indicates a lack of interest or enthusiasm, became the latest addition to the Col...

半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹疗效观察[摘 要] 目的:观察半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹的效果。方法:外耳道湿疹患者25例,30耳,均为经耳科常规药物治疗效果不佳者。给予波长650 nm半导体激光耳腔内照射,输出功率20...
