[如何高效的记忆英语单词]如何高效的记忆英语单词1.通过发音背单词同学们要掌握单词拼写与发音之间的规律,发好每一个音标,读准每一个单词。还可以把包含同一元音的单词归为一类(如mistake, change,...+阅读
keep a vocabulary notebook. when you learn a new word,add it to your notebook.write down a sentence that will help you remember how to use the word.
●use a learner‘s dictionary.there are several excellent dictionaries for learners of english.these provide simple definitions(定义)and sample sentences to help you learn new words.
●choose words that are im portant to you.when you study topics and words that you are interested in,you remember the better.
●group words by topic to remember them .it‘s easier to study new words when you anize them into groups like foods or action verbs.
●make flashcards to study your new words.put one english word on each card,and then put either the translation or the english definition on the back.after you study the words,review them quickly to see how many words you remember.
●use new words as many times as possible in your daily life.the best way to learn and remember new words is to use them when you speak or write.try using at least one new english word every day.
●learn synonyms(同义词)for new words.a synonym is a word that means the same thing as another word.you can expand your vocabulary by learning synonyms for your new english words.for example,smallis a synonym for little.
●learn antonyms(反义词)for new words.an antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary.for example,bad is an antonym for good.
●study word roots.many english words he latin roots.when you learn one root,you can often learn many new words.for example,the latin root port means to carry,and this root is found in many english words like the following:export,import,support,and transport.
●learn prefixes(前缀).prefixes are small groups of letters that you put in front of words to give them different meanings.for example,you can put in-,un-,or non-in front of many adjectives(形容词)to give them a negative or opposite meaning.the word flexible describes a person or thing that can change or be changed easily.inflexible means just the opposite.
●learn how to pronounce each new word.an important part of using new english words effectively is learning how to pronounce them.as you know, many english words don‘t sound the way you think they will!
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