[中国留学生在美国一般怎样生活]时光飞逝,在美国已经待了二十多年。从13岁至今,毫不停留。我在US的第一个24小时,仿佛就在昨日,依旧如此清晰可见。 相比于一开始的时而兴奋时而迷茫的跌宕起伏,现在更多的是一份...+阅读
美国的法学院,只有研究生才能进,本科阶段可以学习Pre - Law,美国的医学、法学,这样的专业,在本科阶段可以读Pre-Professional Programs.
No particular major is best for pre-law preparation. Law schools want to see students who are able to express ideas with clarity and force. Students must obtain an undergraduate education that includes critical analysis, logical reasoning, and written and oral expression. Students must learn to read works of literature and exposition with comprehension and speed, and should continuously practice argument and debate. An understanding of human values and institutions is a lifetime goal, but the best opportunity to begin this quest is during one's undergraduate years. Careful study within each of the great divisions of human knowledge—the humanities, the sciences, and the social sciences—is indispensable.
Pre-law students must develop the capacity to think creatively. This capacity depends on skills and understanding already discussed, and also on the ability to conduct research; to reason deductively, inductively, and by analogy; and to synthesize what one has learned.
美国大学会计专业本科排名是什么1 The University of Texas at Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 2 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄本那—香槟分校 3 Brigham Young University Pro...
去美国读本科美国在校大学生的平均开支是多少1。美国大学学费和杂费(tuition and fees) 9,139(两年制公立大学);22,958 (四年制公立/州立大学);31,231 (四年制私立非营利性大学) 2。住宿和三餐(room and boarding) 7,705(两年制公立...
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有没有什么好的美国本地游学推荐如果单纯想玩的话,那么美国很多的当地夏令营机构也非常丰富,Tripp Lake Camp in beautiful Poland, Maine describes itself as “one of the finest girls' camps” in the a...
最受美国本科留学生欢迎的十大专业是什么美国本科留学,留学美国大学申请,以下这些美国本科留学专业受到了同学们的高度好评和关注。 文化创意产业管理 近年来,中国文化创意产业发展迅速。广深沪京等城市积极推动文化创...
美国留学本科需要花费多少钱呢?美国留学本科需要花费多少钱呢美国本科留学费用 一、住宿费: 一般分为:寄宿和租住。一般住学校要比在校外租住贵一些,当然这是根据区域来定的。 美国本科留学费用 二、学费: 美国留学本科费用主要是学费了,不...
美国读研法律专业你是想读LLM还是JD呢??LLM是一个一年制的法学进阶课程,相当于硕士学位。全称是Master of Law。美国本国非法学背景学生学生基本上以读JD为主。 凡具有法学学士或以上学位者可以...
怎么在美国上大学生大学本科毕业生怎样可以去美国读书直接到美国楼主问得好笼统啊!要我们怎么回答啊。一般来说是读graduate program。 这有三道坎。第一语言关。就是通常所说各种考试,比若toefl,GRE,GMAT,IELTS。。。过了这些关,就可以根据...