

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[AfterWork下班以后]AfterWork下班以后Celia : Shall I punch out for you, Rose? I'm leing now.Rose : No, thanks. I've to work overtime.Celia : But today is Friday. You're not goin...+阅读

1、下班以后 after work (经典案例:有一个杂志叫《八小时以外》,英文名就是《 After Work》


We must work overtime on Saturday. (must如果用 have to 代替,就成了“不得不”;如果用“are forced to”代替就成了被迫,这些都是强度不同,看你怎么用了)


excuse me?


come again?(此话出现在越狱prison break 第一季麦克石膏飞在入狱时第一次和狱警不利克的对话中,麦克听不清楚不利克说些什么。)

sorry,what dijia say?(do you在一起连读被读成di jia)



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